Christmas presents

Does anyone else find the whole present thing pointless ? Why doesn't everyone keep their money and buy stuff they want for themselves ?

So much pressure to find just the right gift and to respond to what you are given positively regardless of If you actually like it or not !

  • yes 

    and save the money for people who dont have the basics like food, water, education 

  • I do realise that Christmas can be difficult for some people with ASD and as such I am running an event for my local group for Autistic women on the 28th December, for those that are isolated and need company or are finding family Christmas events too overwhelming and need to escape or who just need a bit of Autistic solidarity over the festive period.

    However, I might be in the minority here but I absolutely love Christmas! I’m a full on planning every minute detail from the beginning of September Christmas Queen. It’s my birthday Christmas Day too! But, that said, I never ‘expect’ to receive presents from anyone and would never be offended if a relative or friend didn’t get me a gift because they found it all a bit overwhelming and/or unnecessary. No one should feel obligated to get presents or immerse themselves in all things Christmas if they don’t want to.

  • I just give people money. They can get what they want then. I honestly don't give to recieve, so I hope they get something nice.

    I actually like Christmas. It's good to catch up with some family members and friends.

  • I've got most people who know me used to the fact that I neither give nor expect to receive presents or cards at Christmas (or any other kind of anniversary). It's not easy, though; partly because complaining about Christmas stress seems to be as much part of the ritual as any other for a lot of people, so people are apt to assume that I don't really mean it when I tell them that I don't want to participate.

    I do take advantage of the holidays to spend a little more time with people who otherwise have little to spare, and I'll congratulate or commiserate with people when something substantial has happened in their lives; but masking is hard enough without a load of added pressure to be in a festive mood at a time of year when my SAD is usually at its worst and I just want to hibernate. 

  • Yep. As you can tell from my user name I'm not a fan of buying presents or exchanging cards out of obligation. It's economically inefficient (a technical term - 3rd bullet here; and causes more stress than joy as far as I'm concerned. I loved getting presents as a child though!

    Excellent summary of this by Sheldon Cooper (4th block on this page:

    I know someone who had a tradition with his brother whereby they would each write the other a cheque for £50 at Christmas, and to save each other the hassle of taking the cheque to the bank, would ritually exchange cheques and tear them in half when they met.

    I actually *love* buying gifts when it's a case of "I saw this, and I thought of you" but hate buying them because it's a particular date.

    Yes - I am a joy to live with!