Weighted blankets to improve sleep - do they work?

  • I got one this week in the autumn sale from Sumo. 2 nights in so far so good. I feel very relaxed when I'm under it. It could do with being a bit heavier though. I used it on the sofa last night and I felt calm. I have noticed, instead of having anxiety dreams, it's the same content of dream but a different outcome where I'm in control of the situation. The one I got was also made of cooling fabric which has been great. I usually love the weight of a duvet but get too hot.

    It hasn't worked miracles but I have noticed a difference. 

  • Great that it has been beneficial so far, have a fab weekend

  • I've had a fantastic nights sleep every night since I started using it last week. I can't recommend them enough. One thing I've noticed, is I find waking and coming round much easier.  Its always something i struggle with. But better quality of sleep I think means better quality of waking up!

  • I've had a fantastic nights sleep every night since I started using it last week. I can't recommend them enough. One thing I've noticed, is I find waking and coming round much easier.  Its always something i struggle with. But better quality of sleep I think means better quality of waking up!

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