Motion Sickness

I suffer badly with sea sickness. I've tried every technique going and nothing works. I know a couple of other people who I suspect are autistic but haven't been formally diagnosed, and they are exactly the same.

Just curious to know whether others on here are the same, and also equally interested to hear from people on the spectrum for whom it's not a problem.

Any techniques / remedies welcome, (though I've probably tried it :) ).

  • yes i have to be careful, xbox games get me very ill really quickly and i have to stop. I close my eyes and I put my hands on the ground to tell my brain I am not moving. I usually have to lie down  as well.

    sometimes just when i stop the car when driving I get motion issues for 1/2 seconds then they are gone.

    I have had on full on vertigo attack just the once fortunately, which sent the room spinning and  had such a dramatic effect on my body they thought i had had a heart attack :). I never worked out what caused it.

    I was given medicine for motion sickness ( for the vertigo attack ) but never took them as the side effects seemed  too risky.. So possibly ask your GP.

    motion sickness is higher in autism vs neurotypicals

  • I've never tried putting my hands on the ground - I'll give that a try. The vertigo attack sounds scary!

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