
How do autistic adults manage to go on holiday AND in general travel. I have lost all ability to get myself around even locally on buses and never had the skills to go through all the stages needed to find a holiday book it and then get there. I know there are some companies that offer respite holidays with carers to support disabled people BUT these tend to be at there own properties AND there are few if any that will collect from home and provide transport to and from a destination of your choosing. As well as support if needed.

I would like to go to Wales. Not a million miles away. But I can't seem to make it happen. And even if I could do all the booking stuff I would have to go by train and i dont think i would could cope with a 4 hour  journey AND my dog certainly wouldn't !!

If I ever decide to pay over £125 a week for 10 hours assistance from a support worker I might be able to get them to drive me to Wales. Thing with that though. In order not to go over 10 hours They would need to drive back the day we arrived because its a 3 hour trip. The social care assessment I had which led to them allocating me 10 hours support a week for over £500 doesn't actually take into account many many problems I need help with. The care plan almost amounted to get PA to go for a walk with me take me to zoo and then spend 100 hours alone...repeat. For a lot of money. But thats social services for you. And thats why I have no support for many problems. Including this nagging need to travel !!!

  • This is one of those things I get imposter syndrome about. I love travel, I used to be a travel agent. However it is getting much more difficult as I get older. I went with my wife and another couple to the US in October. I planned and booked it when I was an agent yet had massive anxiety about the whole thing, 5 flights 3 lots of accomidation. It all went well, just a couple of minor meltdowns. I guess I just had to over come my autism and try and build a normal life, there was no autism when I grew up.  I genrally now holiday in the same place in Tenerife, its my second home.

    I can understand how it all feels overwhelming, I get that with London. I think small steps is the answer, go for  a night in a hotel not far away knowing you can go home if you need to?

  • There are so many things that can go wrong on a holiday with that much complication - so many stress pinch-points of needing to be in the right place at the right time with no possibility of accommodating Mr Cockup along the way. 

    Whenever we go somewhere, we engineer out problems and build in baggy slop-points to make sure we don't carry any extra stress on a holiday - which is supposed to be relaxing!

    We're toying with flying to LA for Disney, Anaheim for 2 days and then flying to Washington to do the Smithsonian & The White House etc.for the rest of the holiday.    There are so many potential pitfalls that I don't think it will happen.    I just don't need that much stress.

  • We did a similar trip to the US in October. I am always early for everything by atleast an hour when it comes to flying, opening times etc so am never late. I must have reasearched for over a year where we were staying, I am massivley obsessive about that. I want to know what is round the corner, where to park the car etc. I am also a bit of a control freak when travelling, my wife is blazee so we slplit up at the airport. I will go and sit at the gate for 2 hours because I am worried I will miss the flight. I would try and go with other 'normal ' people in a group so the load is less on you. 

  • The Virgin lounge at Gatwick has a wonderful view - all the comings and goings of the airport vehicles and all the planes coming in and out - I'm a nerd too - so free food & drinks, big comfy chairs and lots to watch?   I'm good for hours.  Smiley       I get left with the small bags while wife & daughter go for a mooch around the shops.

    They tend to balance the planes by filling the front & back and leaving the centre over the wing empty - so we ask if we can be moved there - always works - we get the whole section to ourselves.   Very civilised.

  • The Virgin lounge at Gatwick has a wonderful view - all the comings and goings of the airport vehicles and all the planes coming in and out - I'm a nerd too - so free food & drinks, big comfy chairs and lots to watch?   I'm good for hours.  Smiley       I get left with the small bags while wife & daughter go for a mooch around the shops.

    They tend to balance the planes by filling the front & back and leaving the centre over the wing empty - so we ask if we can be moved there - always works - we get the whole section to ourselves.   Very civilised.

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