My mouse don’t look me in the eye no more....

Autism symptoms replicated in mice after faecal transplants

Study aims to discover whether gut microbes play a part in development of the condition

Scientists have induced the hallmarks of autism in mice by giving them faecal transplants from humans with the condition.

The experiments were designed to test whether the communities of gut microbes found in people with autism have a role in their symptoms, an idea that is gaining ground among researchers.

In the study, animals that had faecal transplants from children with autism became less sociable, less vocal and developed repetitive behaviours. In contrast, genetically identical mice that had transplants from people without autism were unaffected by the procedure.

Mice that had transplants from children with autism did not wrestle, push and sniff other mice as much as the control group of mice, which had transplants from people without autism. Nor did they produce as many ultrasonic squeaks. And while control mice might bury one or two marbles and then move on, mice with autism-related microbiomes kept going, an indication of repetitive behaviour.”


  • In the coming autistic uprising it's gonna get messy!

    Is it gonna be like invasion of the body snatchers, where we go out at night in teams armed with turkey basters full of doo-doo, instead of those big pod things?

  • A good and timely "bump."  I have noticed in the "news" recently, a huge explosion of articles and research talking about "parasites" that live within us, and purportedly, cause bi-products that can have profound effects on our health.  None of the articles I have read recently relate specifically to autism.

    Whilst I know that this concept has been around for a good-few years now, I am intrigued by why I seem to be noticing SO much news about it at the moment.

  • Erm, I think such a transplant goes up, not down, to try and put it delicately! Unless it's in a capsule which won't dissolve until it reaches the right point. Otherwise it would be destroyed by stomach acid.

  • "Mice that had transplants from children with autism did not wrestle, push and sniff other mice as much"

    I think I would be in jail if I wrestled, pushed or sniffed people.

    "Nor did they produce as many ultrasonic squeaks."

    This isn't true in my case I am sure I produce plenty of ultrasonic squeaks.

    "And while control mice might bury one or two marbles"

    I certainly lose them but have never buried them in the garden.

  • BUMP. Interestng little thread. Second time I've come across this concept, the last time was an article I included (which many poo-poohed) that suggested Autism is gut biome related.

    In the article I found they claimed to have CURED Autism by fecal transplant...

    My question is:

    How much of my crap do I need to make a NT eat, to make them more like me? 

    Fancy a crhocolate, anyone?

  • You need to look after your gut microbes....

    When the researchers dissected the mouse brains, RNA analysis of the two groups revealed differences in splicing—the way DNA’s message is processed before it’s translated into a protein—for 560 genes, including 52 that have been associated with autism.

    That’s an intriguing attempt to associate that the products of gut microbes might somehow change autism risk by influencing what forms of proteins are made in the brain....

    Who knew!

  • Well I'm just an oddball with an abi and several other injuries so quite often end up making some strange squeaks! 

    But you make a very good point on most people eating any old s**t!

  • Poor mice indeed!! Do you feel that as someone on the spectrum, that you emit less ultrasonic squeaks, compared to NT folk?

    On another note:

    "In contrast, genetically identical mice that had transplants from people without autism were unaffected by the procedure."

    Does that confirm a more discerning palate in ND folk, in that NT seem more accepting of quite literally "eating S**T?"

  • Are you saying that the mice didn’t become autistic, but we’re just suffering from PTSD?

    Mr. Praline: Now that's what I call an autistic mouse.

    Owner: No, no.....No, 'e's stunned!

    Mr. Praline: STUNNED?!?

    Owner: Yeah! You stunned him, just as he was wakin' up! mice stun easily.

  • I might behave somewhat strangely if I'd been forcibly spacedocked.