Work problems

Hi I'm New here, I'm having problems at work with describing how aspergers affects me. My employer wont take my diagnosis as fact, they have a copy of the diagnosis letter but won't accept the description I give of how my symptoms affect me, they want proof from my gp, but I know my Gp knows nothing of AS and I am in danger of losing my job which I have been doing for 5 years! Im getting so close to giving up. Any advice?

  • Hi again, Thanks for all your replies and support its nice to know there is support here at such an awful time. I've had a really busy day, contacted ACAS who advised me to contact the Equality and advisory support service, I found them really helpful, they have a template to write to my employer and request reasonable adjustments. I can't say who my employer is but lets just say its a large organisation so they do have capacity to do more for me, I've been advised to raise a grievance and give them 14 days to reply, I am a member of a union so I will send the letter to them first to be proof read. I am going to write a list of ways AS affects me and ask my gp to write a letter as this is what has been requested. I will contact Access to work tomorrow and take it from there. Thanks again all

  • Since I disclosed my condition at work, I have received help, they have made my job easier, the only problem now is that I’m getting snide comments from co workers, attitudes towards me have really changed, is this a form of bullying?

  • Since I disclosed my condition at work, I have received help, they have made my job easier, the only problem now is that I’m getting snide comments from co workers, attitudes towards me have really changed, is this a form of bullying?

  • This could well be considered as bullying. Make sure you write down details of all the incidents that happen. Also keep records of when you report incidents to your employer and (if anything) they do.

    It is your enployer's responsibility to intervene and protect you from this sort of unacceptable behaviour. I am so sorry you have had to experience it.

    Your union rep should be able to advise you on this too. I am glad your employer has made reasonable adjustments. This is what they are required to do by law. I hope they will sort out the negative behaviour of your colleagues too. 

  • It is harassment under the equality act on grounds of victimisation.  Your employer should take it seriously, initially you might just ask your line manager to have a quiet word with the perpetrators to avoid unpleasantness.

    Your employer should have a bullying and harassment policy which you should read.