Executive (dys)function

Could anyone here explain any issues they have with executive function? When i first started reading sbout it in relation to ASC i was applying it mainly to my job and so wasnt sure if i had any problems. But after considerstion i can think of some examples but im not sure if theyre daft or not!

Eg due to the nature of my job i have good holidays so am at home a lot. I know there are things which need doing and love making lists. But stuff doesnt get done. Its not a case of CBA (cant be ar**d) but something else that i cant out my finger on. Often i can just sit there thinking about stuff and not doing the task. Ive realised i have a dufferent pace to my partner who gets things done more quickly. For me i have to weigh things up

Another example is that in summer my parents were coming iver to help with some decorating and jobs. It was quite clear in my mind that me and mum would be doing one task while my dad did something else. It ended up being all 3 of ys on the same task in a confined space. I REALLY struggled with this and had to remove myself from the sitation. I told them it was because i was getting claustraphobic but i knew its because my dad wasnt sticking to his assigned role. This has happened more than once.

I struggle when people pop over when im in the middle of something and i have to stop what im doing to entertain them. I feel its lack of control being taken away from me.

I struggle when i get interrupted at work and then have to resume. I cant multi task at home. (The amount of times the cooking pans have boiled over....)

I find getting out bed difficult.

On the positive side with certain tasks i can be highly focused.

Since ive been reading about executive function what ive started doing with my partner or parents is stating that i dont know where to start or can you help me get stated / tell me what to do next. Ive found this to be beneficial. However if someone tells me what yo do without me asking i can get quite offended as my first instinct is to think IM NOT STUPID. Ive also started checking who will be doing what if my parents come to help!

Would anyone like to add comments, agree, disagree, relate to this? Thank you.

  • I struggle with this too. Although I suspect I have ADHD and dyspraxia, which is probably why. I find it hard even to sit and watch a film. Always getting up and walking around. But I do think that executive function can be improved through practice. Many predominant neurotype people also have poor gratification postponement. They can't put their phones down for longer than 1 min. 

  • I'm the same tha'ts why I'm always checking this forum. I don't think it's ASC related - it's how the internet and phones have changed our brains.

    It's like gambling. Sometimes you win. You get that dopamine hit.Sometimes you lose. You just don't know what it will be. Sometimes there are new notifications or messages on here, sometimes there aren't. Same principle.

  • I'm the same tha'ts why I'm always checking this forum. I don't think it's ASC related - it's how the internet and phones have changed our brains.

    It's like gambling. Sometimes you win. You get that dopamine hit.Sometimes you lose. You just don't know what it will be. Sometimes there are new notifications or messages on here, sometimes there aren't. Same principle.

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