Random Twitter Stuff

Twitter is a great place to find #ActuallyAutistic people writing interesting stuff.

Here are six people I follow: 

@Kieranrose7 The Autistic Advocate
@Autismage Cos
@Outfoxgloved Rhi
@MeDecoded MeDecoded
@SheffieldLuke Luke Beardon
@AnnMemmott Ann Memmott

Does anyone else here use Twitter?

If so, who do you follow? 

  • Oh my word! This is exactly the sort of thing I'd do: 


    There's a French man trying to explain the tu/vous thing to someone at the table next to me in the café and I just had to interrupt to show them this, which I'm delighted to say actually helped:

  • Oh my word! This is exactly the sort of thing I'd do: 


    There's a French man trying to explain the tu/vous thing to someone at the table next to me in the café and I just had to interrupt to show them this, which I'm delighted to say actually helped:
