Need to declutter - anyone else have a problem with this?

Hello all, 

I am interested to know whether any of you have had problems with clutter, and/or dealing with it. Although I do conform in some ways to the Aspie stereotype of everything ordered, organised into its collections and categorised, I came to realise that there is just too much of it.

Many mornings, I have looked at the clutter  and unfinished tasks from my bed and felt so overwhelmed that I haven't even wanted to get up. I just want to stick my head under the covers and pretend it's not there. I have accumulated too much stuff over the years, much of it connected with unfinished projects or uncompleted tasks. I have reached the point where I feel oppressed by all this STUFF and it is causing me real stress and anxiety.

I can't keep the house clean or tidy,  because there's too much stuff in the way. I took 2 days off work and started a major declutter (managed to do clothes, kitchen and bathroom) but now I feel like I have stalled and that the declutter itself is going to end up on the unfinished projects list.

I look at the state of the place and it makes me feel like a useless human being. I mean, not living in a tip is pretty basic self care, right? And it seems that I can't manage it. Not finishing things is a problem too - I get overwhelmed and give up, then that makes me feel useless too. Does anyone else feel like this?

It's not helped by my OH, who is lovely and very compatible on most levels, but grew up in a really messy house so claims he simply doesn't notice. I tried to explain that either he needs to help me to get some of the junk out of here, or he needs to do his share of the cleaning (he doesn't lift a finger normally). I don't think he took any notice. This seems to be par for the course. I feel like no-one every acknowledges anything is wrong until I break. I feel like they must know (I even tell them pretty directly on occasion), but if they acknowledge it, they might have to do something to help, and so they just stick their fingers in their ears and pretend to be oblivious. I am trying hard not to be hurt/upset by this because in most respects, my OH is great, but what I really feel is: you know this causes me stress and anxiety, and that I can't cope with doing it all, but to help with that you would have to make an effort, and you don't want to do that. In other words, "I don't give a stuff if it makes you miserable, as long as I don't have to lift a finger to do anything about it". He doesn't care enough to help, which upsets me.

I do a full time job with a long commute, so most days I am out at 7am and not home until 7.30pm, so time is a factor as well.

So after that ramble, I would love to know whether anyone else has managed to find a way to organise themselves, to follow through on things and generally to keep their house in order. Or are you all as overwhelmed as I am?

  • Clutter clutter clutter. Stuff. Possessions. We dont need 99% of it. It has caused me great anxiety of late. I think this stems from when i moved housr last year and had to come face to face with all my worldly posessions. 

    Cue anxiety and thoughts....what did humans need 1000 years ago? 50 years ago? Certainly not all the stuff we have today.We go to work just so we can buy stuff that we dont need or throw away. Capitalism. Consumerism. Plastic packaging. Landfill. The more stuff we have the more stuff we need to keep it going (eg i wear make up. So I need a make up bag, cotton wool, make up remover, brushes). 

    Im trying to spend my wages on tjings i enjoy. Experiences give you more memories. Happy feelings from shiny new stuff soon wears off. When im older im not gonna remwmber the stuff i bought but remember the stuff i did.

    Theres some intetesting tedx talks on it.

    Even now after sifting through i still feel i have too much stuff. 16 glasses? Theres only 2 of us in the house.

  • Clutter clutter clutter. Stuff. Possessions. We dont need 99% of it. It has caused me great anxiety of late. I think this stems from when i moved housr last year and had to come face to face with all my worldly posessions. 

    Cue anxiety and thoughts....what did humans need 1000 years ago? 50 years ago? Certainly not all the stuff we have today.We go to work just so we can buy stuff that we dont need or throw away. Capitalism. Consumerism. Plastic packaging. Landfill. The more stuff we have the more stuff we need to keep it going (eg i wear make up. So I need a make up bag, cotton wool, make up remover, brushes). 

    Im trying to spend my wages on tjings i enjoy. Experiences give you more memories. Happy feelings from shiny new stuff soon wears off. When im older im not gonna remwmber the stuff i bought but remember the stuff i did.

    Theres some intetesting tedx talks on it.

    Even now after sifting through i still feel i have too much stuff. 16 glasses? Theres only 2 of us in the house.

  • That’s a beautiful post right there. I know I’m 5yrs too late but I was looking for answers to all of this and read it. I’ll remember that and think it will help me. Many thanks and good wishes.Heart

  • Instesd of advice i just whittered on. Sorry. Tell your OH to get off his backside and sort out his stuff. Use humour so its not nagging. Set him a challenge. "Cpuld you have a ort out  tjrough your shoes by the end if nect week?"Explain why you need him to do it