Time between initial and formal assessment?

Just curious. After doing the initial screening, how long do you have to wait for a full diagnosis assessment? Or a letter about the full diagnosis assessment?

  • Well, a bit confusing for me since the diagnosis service changed, but it was actually about 9 months from referral in a waiting list they now say is much quicker. Quoting myself:

    The NICE quality standard requires that 'the diagnostic assessment [be] started within 3 months of their referral'. You can see the self-reported waiting times from 2016 here. (question 29 in the spreadsheet) Sometimes they are different for adults and children (doesn't mention how long assessment takes or how long it takes to get a referral). Some claim as low as 4 weeks; in some places it's more than a year.

    Different authorities will also have developed their own diagnostic 'pathways' (or should have under government statutory guidance). I didn't have a screening assessment, and it's not in the pathway here, so actually it might count as the beginning of the diagnosis process, not referral. Referral can by via GP, mental health service or any involved professional, but they shouldn't really do the screening because they're not experts. You could probably ask for a copy of the pathway via your GP, or mental health service's single point of access (SPA, or whatever it's called) if there is one.

  • Well, a bit confusing for me since the diagnosis service changed, but it was actually about 9 months from referral in a waiting list they now say is much quicker. Quoting myself:

    The NICE quality standard requires that 'the diagnostic assessment [be] started within 3 months of their referral'. You can see the self-reported waiting times from 2016 here. (question 29 in the spreadsheet) Sometimes they are different for adults and children (doesn't mention how long assessment takes or how long it takes to get a referral). Some claim as low as 4 weeks; in some places it's more than a year.

    Different authorities will also have developed their own diagnostic 'pathways' (or should have under government statutory guidance). I didn't have a screening assessment, and it's not in the pathway here, so actually it might count as the beginning of the diagnosis process, not referral. Referral can by via GP, mental health service or any involved professional, but they shouldn't really do the screening because they're not experts. You could probably ask for a copy of the pathway via your GP, or mental health service's single point of access (SPA, or whatever it's called) if there is one.
