A little help please

Hi all,

I'm in my early 40s and recently had a Autism Assessment which was based around ADOS.

I did everything I could to be 'myself', the self I've been brought up to be embarrassed about, ashamed of, and hide my entire life. i know I did ok, but I was still my social bit. There were 3 people in the room who I didn't know and who were being nice to me. I think I must have just went into autopilot. I also wasn't as prepared as I should have been, I should have had correct checklists, because I know I can't talk about it or explain it unaided.

As you might have guessed, they gave me a negative diagnosis. I scored 3. They didn't observe enough relevant behaviours in the testing.

I've a second follow-up in 7 weeks time to discuss what I will have read int he more detailed report. I now also have checklists ready per  Samantha Craft at everydayaspie.wordpress.com and help4aspergers.com

This is after 2 days of feeling completely lost at sea and having a major meltdown this morning.

I don't want to argue with the experts, I always doubt myself. But the bigger part of me knows I'm an Aspie. It's all me, and it all makes sense of me past and present. The me I never seem to be able to fully show anyone that is. 

I feel a break in the clouds having had the epiphany of the checklists and finding this forum here. But I really do need help. I need to find a way to have them see who and how I am under all these systems I have in place to get on in, and with, life and the people in it. I'm so exhausted by it all, the weirdo inside that has no explanation. I need her to be validated. I need to be free. I thought I'd finally be able to breathe out and relax once and for all once this assessment was done.

Please can anyone help me figure out what to do?

Any help very, very gratefully received.

  • When I had my positive diagnosis last year at age 55, it was based on two separate 1-1 interviews with different consultants.

    I think the first interview was just to screen out whether a quick decision could be made one way or the other, whilst the second was in more detail. I can't remember either relying particularly on ADOS, I mentioned in the interviews that I had already read up online about how assessments for adults were made & that I hoped they weren't going to start asking me to do silly tests more suitable for children, which made the consultant laugh.

    Apart from the 'Eye Contact Thing', which I usually avoid as I find it far too personal, I don't externally display many autistic traits at all, as I learned to be quite good at blending in & can read non-verbal signals fairly well (which to me feels a lot like mathematical pattern matching).

    I think a lot of the diagnosis was based on my childhood recollections, as well as detailed descriptions of the quirky & eccentric way that my thought patterns seem to work. I have always had some of the more hidden autistic traits though, such as hypersensitive hearing, aversion to bright light etc.

    When I finally received the detailed written report, I don't think ADOS scores were even mentioned, as much of the more formal testing with the picture books etc, would not have been appropriate anyway. In my opinion, the formal ADOS testing needs to be quite heavily revised if they want to use it for adult testing, especially with those of us who have had a lifetime to learn to appear less 'eccentric'.

    Hope you manage to sort things out

  • When I had my positive diagnosis last year at age 55, it was based on two separate 1-1 interviews with different consultants.

    I think the first interview was just to screen out whether a quick decision could be made one way or the other, whilst the second was in more detail. I can't remember either relying particularly on ADOS, I mentioned in the interviews that I had already read up online about how assessments for adults were made & that I hoped they weren't going to start asking me to do silly tests more suitable for children, which made the consultant laugh.

    Apart from the 'Eye Contact Thing', which I usually avoid as I find it far too personal, I don't externally display many autistic traits at all, as I learned to be quite good at blending in & can read non-verbal signals fairly well (which to me feels a lot like mathematical pattern matching).

    I think a lot of the diagnosis was based on my childhood recollections, as well as detailed descriptions of the quirky & eccentric way that my thought patterns seem to work. I have always had some of the more hidden autistic traits though, such as hypersensitive hearing, aversion to bright light etc.

    When I finally received the detailed written report, I don't think ADOS scores were even mentioned, as much of the more formal testing with the picture books etc, would not have been appropriate anyway. In my opinion, the formal ADOS testing needs to be quite heavily revised if they want to use it for adult testing, especially with those of us who have had a lifetime to learn to appear less 'eccentric'.

    Hope you manage to sort things out

  • That really interesting to hear. My process was different.

    There were three people in the room initially: a chap who dealt with the childhood development side. He would have interviewed a parent had I been able to bring her along. He left the room after about 15 minutes. all I had to offer him was my school reports from high school, some stuff from Uni, a quick chat with the care assistant who I'd only had about half a dozen times at that point and she told me the questions he's asked about things like reading/interpreting emotions and meaning, light and sound sensitivity, all of which she told him I had difficulty with and gave examples. Also a phone chat with my best friend from High School - I'm seeing her this evening so she'll be telling me what was discussed then. The other two people were a behaviourist and the main assessor.

    i did have to do the child's story book exercise, plus making up a story with some little props. I struggled hard with this, but I managed it in the end thanks to a bit of inspiration from Star Wars that popped up in my head because on of the floating frogs looked a bit like Jabba the Hutt.

    Other than that, my childhood was skimmed over in a matter of a few minutes. And my thought processes where only talked about when I said that a psychometric test I'd taken back when i was married and lived in the States helped me realise, after the fact, was that what I felt, what I thought, and how I behaved were most often 3 very different things. Which is one of the reasons I realised I'd found the test so difficult, frustrating and confusing at the time. That and the hideous business of the answer sheet that was pickling my brain and making me feel dizzy having to keep going from question to answer sheet and back.

    I never seem to process everything during a conversation, and with important one including formal appointments, I often feel the need to follow-up with an email where I can articulate what I've processed. This assessment was no exception. A lot of what was going on in my head at the time of the assessment were things I couldn't express, and didn't think to. because I was using them. So I followed up with an explanation of them, along with information my thought processes, among other things. I didn't think to ask in the initial follow-up meeting whether admin had forwarded it to him and if he'd read it. His focus seemed to be on the ADOS assessment and what they'd been able to observe.

    He did say I definitely had 'traits' but that the test and their observations couldn't confirm a diagnosis beyond anxiety.

    As you say, we've had a lifetime to learn to be less outwardly 'eccentric'. I think how much I learned just in the 4 years I lived in LA working in the corporate sector on how to come across as more pleasant, accessible and joyful. How much I learned when I lived in China about confidence in taking care of personal appearance and physical grace. It's helped me get ahead with people. It's been a positive in that respect. But I don't know how to switch the bloody things off now they're in place. I don't know how to stop pushing myself.

    Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing your experience, it's useful to know. I hope I can sort things out too, one way or another.