Hans Asperger


I have to say that since I first read Steve Silbermann's book 'Neurotribes' about a year plus ago, I have been wondering if it was entirely the case that Asperger tried to keep his subjects away from the Nazi euthanasia programme. This morning's headline is thus no great surprise. And as Sachs-Cohen and Silbermann have already indicated their belief in the emerging facts, I'm not about to get too emotive about it. Regardless of DSM-5, my diagnostician decided it was still a valid term for an older adult who had lived for some years with some knowledge of that label. And I'm not about to avoid that label, myself. I suppose I might as well be the first person on the forum to ask what happens next, because I would guess that not everyone will be quite so philosophical about it as me. I have to admit, I have never really taken very kindly to 'aspie'. I find it a bit patronising; but I'm now wondering if some of that discomfort is down to the fact that I have sort of half expected that the hero thing was not quite the full story. And Kanner, for all his input, wasn't beyond criticism either.

''Carol Povey, director at the National Autistic Society in the UK’s Centre for Autism, said: “We expect these findings to spark a big conversation among autistic people and their family members, particularly those who identify with the term ‘Asperger’. Obviously no one with a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome should feel in any way tainted by this very troubling history.” 

  • I  think no one is suggesting that people with Asperger Syndrome would have co-operated with the evil orders of the ***. as Asperger people can be disobedient.  Well people with Asperger Syndrome could cooperate and those who do not have Autism could cooperate with the ***.   Asperger people are not really Autistic but they have some of the traits of Autistic people.   Hans Asperger should have disobeyed the evil orders of sending disabled children to their death.  Really Hans Asperger should have emigrated to the USA before the war rather than carry on working under this evil system. I went to a talk in the Docklands area and the speaker was not sure whether Hans Asperger co-operated with the ***.  It is true if Hans Asperger had not carried out those evil orders he might have been arrested or killed himself.  I do hope they will drop the term ASPERGER SYNDROME.  May be call it Autistic traits instead.

  • Asperger people are not really Autistic but they have some of the traits of Autistic people.

    This just isn’t correct. Those with Asperger’s are absolutely autistic and that is exactly what they are diagnosed with now (since Asperger’s Syndrome is no longer diagnosed). Remember that autism is a spectrum and that it takes a certain level of deficit to meet a diagnostic threshold. To say aspies merely have some traits of autistic people is wrong, because if this was the case they wouldn’t be diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. Arguably, the majority of the population have some autistic traits...

    As for changing the name due to possible connotations, I do not share your opinion though I do respect it.

  • Well Asperger people have more of the traits of Autism then the general population.  When I was nine a Psychiatrist wanted to send me to a School for Autistic Children.  She looked up Autism in the dictionary and it said Autism means people who cannot speak.  She did not think I was Autistic.  It was not explained to her why an Autistic School was recommended by the Maudsley Hospital.  Luckily I did not go to the Autistic School and I do not think I would have fitted in there.  Well as you say Autism is a Spectrum you can be on the edge of the Spectrum.  I am pleased that people are not being diagnosed any more because of the possible connotations thanks for letting me know.  I thought it was just the USA it is not being diagnosed any more.

  • You know his crime was sending disabled children to their death in a clinic in Vienna.

    This was no crime at the time of the Nazi occupation, from 1938 to 1945, and Dr Asperger was in no position as such to commit the crime you insist he should have committed.

    He did not kill themselves but he would refer them to a clinic to be killed by various methods including starving to death gassing or injections.

    Obviously he referred them to the Am Spiegelgrund clinic in Vienna, otherwise Dr Asperger would not of been able to get the law changed, as which enabled him to save higher functional patients from being exterminated like lower functional patients.

    Also, the diagnostic model he formulated is still widely respected and authoritative in terms of it guiding autistic research, diagnosis, treatment and employment.

    Be instead compassionate with yourself, and show instead respect for others, and in this way you may learn instead to respect the dead.

  • You know his crime was sending disabled children to their death in a clinic in Vienna.  He did not kill themselves but he would refer them to a clinic to be killed by various methods including starving to death gassing or injections.

  • What exactly do you consider to be Hans Asperger's crime so that he is no longer appropriate to have a medical condition named after him?

    1. Eugenics.

    2. Being a Nazi or a Nazi collaborator.

    In the case of (2) should he be stripped of his title if he was a fully paid up member of the *** and a close friend of the Fuhrer even if he did not participate in anybody being killed?

  • I have said before that may be they will just change it to Wing Syndrome after the late Lorna Wing any way it is not up to us what they do.

  • The term Asperger is already been phased out anyway

    It's still in use by the NAS along with journalism and in popular terminology. The draft of ICD-11 includes it as an alternative or popular term. Whether the WHO completely deletes it from ICD-11 as a result of the paper by Herwig Czech remains to be seen.

    If the NAS decides to abandon the term AS then it would mean having to withdraw existing material that they have published about AS including Asperger United.

  • Hans Asperger might just have been a Nazi collaborator but it is not important what I think.  It is up to the powers that be to decide what to do in the light of the new information.  The term Asperger is already been phased out anyway.  I do not believe this forum makes any difference to the issue. 

  • I suspect Wikipedia will correct editors' over-reactions in time. It usually does.

    Time will tell. Experience has revealed that there are people who quite viciously edit Wikipedia in order to reinforce certain viewpoints - often using mainstream media references.

    As a researcher of the July 7 bombings I have edited Wikipedia pages to include certain information originating from independent researchers using information sources that would stand up in academic writing or a court of law - such as FOI requests or released CCTV footage - only to find this information wiped and replaced that that which backs up the mainstream media perspective of the event.

  • Would it be better to think of Asperger as a 'Nazi collaborator' rather than a Nazi, since he wasn't a member of the party?

    I suspect Wikipedia will correct editors' over-reactions in time. It usually does. There is no hurry to change terminology - people talk of 'imperial measurements' without agonising over the role of the British Empire in the opium wars, or use 'hung, drawn and quartered' as a joke with little reference to the horror it refers to. (Sorry, rubbish examples - I'm sure other people have better ones.)

  • You are certainly putting up a big argument on this forum and you have clearly stated that you want the term Asperger syndrome scrapped.

    Please also answer my question whether you consider Hans Asperger a Nazi.

  • I am doing this off my own  bat.  It is always a good idea to contact people who can do something about it rather than argue with people who cannot make any difference.  The facts are important not what I think.  I do not have any inside information about Hans Asperger

  • I am doing this off my own  bat.  It is always a good idea to contact people who can do something about it rather than argue with people who cannot make any difference.  The facts are important not what I think.  I do not have any inside information about Hans Asperger

  • You are certainly putting up a big argument on this forum and you have clearly stated that you want the term Asperger syndrome scrapped.

    Please also answer my question whether you consider Hans Asperger a Nazi.