Would others being able to hear your inner voice aid understanding and acceptance?

So... a new technology able to read your inner voice has been developed..


So imagine it could be utilised so that others could really hear how you process and get through each day? 

Would it aid understanding and help foster acceptance by others..or cause more problems! 

  • That article is frightning! Apple, Google and Amazon want to read minds. Big Brother plugged into our heads! Especially with the sheer amount of tech scandals going on over the last few years! Count me out!

    If it was used in the context you are using I'd say it's not for me. My mind is mine. The last refuge of privacy! Most of us suffer with social anxiety, imagine having your mind read! Frightning!

    Everyday the world is getting more strange. Black Mirror is going to be working hard to keep up..........

  • Hi I have heard these words said to me at work “ I would love to be in your head just once” to which I reply “ you would not last two seconds,it would destroy you!

    As for being able to hear my thoughts, I think it still wouldn’t be understood by most, it takes a special kind of person to fully understand what is on my mind, to know my truth and understand my feelings.

    All I know is my brain rarely switches off, it doesn’t rest,always on the go,cross examining everything, trying to shut out all the feelings I see in others, I can look across the many faces at work and sense if any are needing help,I can see them jockeying for position during an interchange with a group,I try not to get involved with the group chats, rarely is there anything being said that even remotely interests me, 

    I do think if my thoughts were heard by an understanding being,not a judgemental one then yes they would gain insight to how I processvand often struggle to just accept things instead of analysing everything.

    thank you for the information Ellie, x()x.

  • Yikes! I think it would only make my life MUCH harder if people could read my mind   :O   Even more strange looks and misunderstandings from all of those times my mind goes off on a tangent and I dread to think what they'd make of those times when even I know that my dark sense of humour is wholly inappropriate!   

  • Yes... society can be an inflexible beast and people can be at risk of being abused and taken advantage of as a result in order to reinforce the idea that their should be a top person..a hierarchical network

  • The problem with some people's insecurity is that it translates into putting others down in order to artificially make themselves seem more important. If they feel they don't fit in, they tend to draw attention to someone else who fits in even less well than they do. I lost all desire to be like everyone else long before I was even a teenager, but I am still made to suffer the consequences society imposes on those who don't fit in, just because someone else feels insecure.

  • I’d llike to think that any issue regarding to outward appearance is down to their own insecurity and desire to fit in to societal norms of “acceptability”. I know that I don’t fit in so are becoming less bothered by trying to.

  • I would like to hear what goes through the mind of a neurotypical to see if it confirms my suspicions about them. They seem to be obsessed with themselves and with outward appearance most of the time. I think I could listen to that for about 5 seconds before I would turn the volume to mute. I feel sorry for them having to exist inside such a boring skull. No wonder they feel the need to entertain themselves by picking on others.

  • I think mine would resemble a low level scream..or like a balloon with a puncture...

    Iit might be interesting to each the mechanisms of other people’s thoughts, self doubts, over analysing critiques, panics, boredoms and sub conscious thoughts and hopes (as well as fears)... 

    It certainly would be eye opening! 

  • Wow... that's a scary thought. I definitely wouldn't want anyone else to know what goes through my mind sometimes.