Fascination With Lights



My name is Tom and I have Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I currently study Experimental Film Production at Staffordshire University.


I am doing a short film about the beauty of lights and how mesmerizing they are. This is due to my personal obsession with lights, which with some research I see I am not alone in the Autism Community.


I was wondering if people have the same obsession / fascination as me, and if they have a particular favourite light?


Any answer could help me shape my research and how my film turns out in the end.


Thank you for your time,




  • Count me in on the light love. I love those fibre optic christmas trees you could buy a few years ago that alternated lots of different colours. Can I buy one now? Nowhere sells them. I loved the bare ones that were just branches with the tips that glowed.  

  • Count me in on the light love. I love those fibre optic christmas trees you could buy a few years ago that alternated lots of different colours. Can I buy one now? Nowhere sells them. I loved the bare ones that were just branches with the tips that glowed.  

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