Problems Using Forum

I have TWICE tried to post a reply in the thread about the recent documentary, dealing with children excluded fro school.

I hit the reply button after finishing typing, but the forum skin and controls are sometimes very slow and inadequate, and the connection between the reply button and making the post was not made. The reply simply spun and spun, and failed to load.

It's hard work and commitment for nothing.

Can someone look into this technical deficiency, and see if a resolution or improvement is possible. Thanks. The emoticons are not loading either lol

  • Hope these pointers help.

    The default setting is only to allow private messages from friends. You'll find that in your own settings as well. We don't recommend changing it to allow messages from all users.

    This forum uses nested threading. The idea is that your message is posted below, and indented from, the specific message to which you reply. So, I don't have to quote Lonewarrior's message in order to show to what I am replying, because my message will appear directly below that.

    However, if you do want to quote something, select the text first (rather than using the Reply button). A "Quote" button will appear.

    To insert an image, use the Insert menu below the message that you are typing. You can upload one (as long as it is not too big) or reference one that you have placed on a photo sharing site or whatever.

  • I am learning too and don't know how to do them either nor the friend request. 

    As I am writing the reply box shows a picture postcard so I suppose you click on that to add a photo. 

    Replies arriving in the middle.. think that will depend if you reply at the top ( next to like and more) of the thread or reply to a response made after. So for example if I decided now to go back up to answer Gordon click on reply undervwhat Gordon said .. suddenly there  is the new reply in the middle..  

    not sure this reply very clear but hope it helps with a couple of the things you mentioned 

  • Hi there I am still struggling . I cannot see how to message people and have to send a friend request explaining it's not a friend request but the only way I can send a message privately? I have no clue how to put a picture on here? I can only "like"the original first post? Cannot quote some one else's message? It all looks very scarce and unfunctional! And as for new posts appearing in the middle of long running posts? Really can't work that out. Oh and I am using an iPad.

  • Peter Parker's, Labyrinth if you will. Stuck out tongue

  • Totally agree,.it is a spiders web of thoughts and potent emotions,,  quite a maze

  • That's what I think too, if we stumble around enough, we'll figure it out! Relaxed

  • Haha! Cheers. Found  new thread. All a bit tricky. I'll get the hang of it. 

  • I don't have an iPhone so this may not be much help but I just had a look at the site on my phone using Chrome web browser, it's an awful lot easier to use on a PC in my humble opinion!

    From the home page I have the three horizontal lines top right symbolising the menu, if I click it a drop down menu appears and if you scroll to the bottom of that it says Online Community.  If you click that you get the community homepage which as you scroll down shows recent posts then the different forums, then the list of site leaders and under that the most recent posts on the various threads where there is activity.  One way or another you can see who's saying what and where.  

    If you go to one of the specific forums i.e. Autistic Adults and scroll down past the list of recent activity there's a button at the bottom New thread, that is where you go to make a new subject post, not that I've done it.  Hope this might help, basically you need to find the Community button to get an overview of what is going on...

  • Thanks. I'll have a look. 

  • To create a new topic, click on the forum you want to post in "Autistic Adults", "Introduce yourself" etc On the right hand column, click on "New thread". Pick a title that reflects the theme, and type away. In regards to the technical side, I agree it is frustrating. What I've started doing:

    • Type the reply or post in a text editor, 
    • Refresh the page, make sure I'm logged in
    • Copy from the text editor, paste, then click "reply"

    This always works. You shouldn't have to do this. The fact that the pages seem to time out is incredibly frustrating. I'm not sure it's the forum skin. It could be. I'd be more inclined to look at the server load.

  • Ps I'm using an iPhone not tablet or Pc if that makes any difference.. 

  • Hello everyone. I'm having new user issues and wonder if you can help. I can't see how to start a new topic.. where and how do you do that? I'm can't seem to find my way around the forums.. any tips? I click onto something and discover it's several years old / want to comment on something but don't know if the writer is still active in the group.. How do you know when a new thread has been started? Sorry if this all seems obvious but struggling. Just so great to read such familiar thoughts and don't want to mess up on here too. Thanks 

  • The thread is called 'Exclusion from school' and was posted by Lonewarrior in the Autistic Adults forum recently. I would love to reply to it, but the forum skin will not effectively facilitate it. I do not feel I should type a THIRD reply - I expect the NAS admin and technical staff to recover it and post it for me.

  • I have had the same problem a couple of time today whilst using my laptop I haven't experienced the same issues with my tablet. It might even be to do with the volume of people on the site which it slowing it down slightly.

  • Hi Diddy D. I would be interested in hearing about the documentary,

    I try and watch most things concerning children as I have 3 of varying ages and abilities