Problems Using Forum

I have TWICE tried to post a reply in the thread about the recent documentary, dealing with children excluded fro school.

I hit the reply button after finishing typing, but the forum skin and controls are sometimes very slow and inadequate, and the connection between the reply button and making the post was not made. The reply simply spun and spun, and failed to load.

It's hard work and commitment for nothing.

Can someone look into this technical deficiency, and see if a resolution or improvement is possible. Thanks. The emoticons are not loading either lol

  • I have had the same problem a couple of time today whilst using my laptop I haven't experienced the same issues with my tablet. It might even be to do with the volume of people on the site which it slowing it down slightly.

  • Hello everyone. I'm having new user issues and wonder if you can help. I can't see how to start a new topic.. where and how do you do that? I'm can't seem to find my way around the forums.. any tips? I click onto something and discover it's several years old / want to comment on something but don't know if the writer is still active in the group.. How do you know when a new thread has been started? Sorry if this all seems obvious but struggling. Just so great to read such familiar thoughts and don't want to mess up on here too. Thanks 

  • Ps I'm using an iPhone not tablet or Pc if that makes any difference.. 

Reply Children
  • Thanks. I'll have a look. 

  • To create a new topic, click on the forum you want to post in "Autistic Adults", "Introduce yourself" etc On the right hand column, click on "New thread". Pick a title that reflects the theme, and type away. In regards to the technical side, I agree it is frustrating. What I've started doing:

    • Type the reply or post in a text editor, 
    • Refresh the page, make sure I'm logged in
    • Copy from the text editor, paste, then click "reply"

    This always works. You shouldn't have to do this. The fact that the pages seem to time out is incredibly frustrating. I'm not sure it's the forum skin. It could be. I'd be more inclined to look at the server load.