Energy after weight loss, ups and downs

Interested to see if anyone who has lost a lot of weight on this forum could help me with a couple of questions. 

When you lost weight did you find it very difficult to understand how to deal healthily with increased energy? 

Did your mood swings alter quite a bit? 

Context as to why I ask these questions. Since losing quite a bit of weight my mood goes from very high to very low quite a bit. It used to mostly be low.

Energy wise, I exercise quite a lot more now and love walking but have very sore joints. So it's possible I don't enough now I'm a bit smaller and so turn to a few beers  or a big meal here and there which makes me feel sluggish and a bit better as my minds not going a mile a minute.

I also find it hard to find time to exercise enough to tire myself out enough as there's so much else more interesting to do, exercise is quite tedious even when listening to a podcast or audiobook!

Just interested in others experience, I'm recently diagnosed autistic so interested in others on this forums thoughts / experience

  • It's like riding a rollercoaster, isn't it? One day you're bursting with vitality, and the next, you're hitting snooze repeatedly. But hey, that's the beauty of progress! It's not always smooth sailing, but every up and down is a step closer to your goals.

  • It's like riding a rollercoaster, isn't it? One day you're bursting with vitality, and the next, you're hitting snooze repeatedly. But hey, that's the beauty of progress! It's not always smooth sailing, but every up and down is a step closer to your goals.

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