hi..Mum to 16 year old recently diagnose ASD - GCSE refusal

Hi all, 

Very new here. My son was diagnosed ASD in January and at the time of his last set of year 11 mocks  in feb  he suffered a burn out. has not been back to school since. He has however done some revision with our support - has talked positively about taking his exams -( he was predicted top grades.) 

He managed 3 exams in two days . then the weekend. From around Sunday lunchtime he showed sign of rising anxiety and refusal to engage in any preparation , which in the past has helped him feel calmer facing an exam. 

He's barricading the door and pointing us out of the room when we try to engage. 

today he has missed his English Lit.  I'm posting here for some community support as this just feels so scary. 

  • Hi Nas, I'm with you in the high emotions today. My 16 year old girl had eng lit this morning too and was escalating from last night. It's SO difficult. If it's any consolation, as long as Eng Lang is passed, English literature isn't compulsory.

    I'm not coping well today so probably not the best to advise, but I'd recommend giving him time to regulate and process before discussing the opportunity to resit in August. Take care 

  • Hi Nas, I'm with you in the high emotions today. My 16 year old girl had eng lit this morning too and was escalating from last night. It's SO difficult. If it's any consolation, as long as Eng Lang is passed, English literature isn't compulsory.

    I'm not coping well today so probably not the best to advise, but I'd recommend giving him time to regulate and process before discussing the opportunity to resit in August. Take care 

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