About the "How are you?" question

What do you think about the "How are you?" question?

I, personally, do not like this question and I have never liked it.

I do not know what to answer.

Also, a lot of the time, I think it is expected just to give a positive answer, but I often feel awful to say "Fine!" simply to be polite if I am not fine. 

  • It sounds really strange to me now. It is not asked in the country I now live in and work now. The question here is not treated like smsll-tal question here. You may end up with more information than you might have desired about the health of the person you asked. 

    ''What's new' is used more often and it seems to work better. 

  • It sounds really strange to me now. It is not asked in the country I now live in and work now. The question here is not treated like smsll-tal question here. You may end up with more information than you might have desired about the health of the person you asked. 

    That actually sounds sort of appealing, as I mean what I say, or ask, and prefer to get actual answers rather than hearing people saying things that have little or no relevance to people, or things.

    The problem of course, with a greater information exchange capacity, is that am still after nearly five decades having problems with providing too much information. I am not sure then if things would balance out as such, or if I would get too comfortable and leave yet more people in over-informed catatonic states.

    One of my most favourite jokes about me, is that "When Deepthought has finished speaking ~ there are only skeletons and cobwebs left!" :-)


  • It sounds really strange to me now. It is not asked in the country I now live in and work now. The question here is not treated like smsll-tal question here. You may end up with more information than you might have desired about the health of the person you asked. 

    That actually sounds sort of appealing, as I mean what I say, or ask, and prefer to get actual answers rather than hearing people saying things that have little or no relevance to people, or things.

    The problem of course, with a greater information exchange capacity, is that am still after nearly five decades having problems with providing too much information. I am not sure then if things would balance out as such, or if I would get too comfortable and leave yet more people in over-informed catatonic states.

    One of my most favourite jokes about me, is that "When Deepthought has finished speaking ~ there are only skeletons and cobwebs left!" :-)

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