Late diagnosis, female, 60

Hello - I've recently been diagnosed. While reframing your whole life is painful, there is a glimmer of calm because I know I'm not really alone any more; there is understanding out there. I had quite an abusive and bewildering childhood, at home and at school, so although it's not great revisiting and remembering, I think, with a counsellor's help, I'll be able to get over it. Autism isn't the nightmare, it's the things people did and said to make me feel lesser that was. It would be good to connect with other newly diagnosed older people to find out about them, their experiences, how their late diagnosis came about and how they cope. Thanks

  • Autism isn't the nightmare, it's the things people did and said to make me feel lesser that was.

    Indeed yes Sassetta, I totally agree with you.

    Diagnosed four years ago aged 67......


  • Hi Ben,

    How nice to be quoted, although for a sad reason. I hope your experiences with other people in your life weren't too bad? How is life four years on from your diagnosis? 

  • Sassetta,

    Four and a half years on, I find myself very much better informed. I have read a number of books on autism and, of course, read posts and interacted with others on this forum - many of whom were diagnosed later in life.

    My mind often takes me back to difficulties repeatedly experienced over the years, particularly in interacting with others. And now, with this late gained knowledge, at last some of these problems are becoming clearer as I see them in such a different light....... but oh how I wish this enlightenment had come earlier in life. However, I am happy to report that I am, at last, discovering just who I am.....

    I am Ben.

  • Thank you Sassetta.

    Onward and upwards, eh!


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