Are there any women here?

Hi, I’m new to the forum and want to know if there are any women here online (I’m a  female professional in my early 40s). From reading some posts you are out there but kind of in the minority....I am hoping to seek diagnosis very soon and would appreciate knowing I’m not alone out here..! Thank you

  • Hi, I'm here!  I'm nearly 43 newly diagnosed with ADHD and currently undergoing an Aspergers diagnosis.  Since being medicated for ADHD before Christmas the Autism has run riot as it is no longer masked by ADHD symptoms.  I have a high IQ but low social skills and I'm forever putting my foot in it and unintentionally upsetting people which is difficult at times.  I don't seriously upset people but I'm soo direct and blunt.  

  • I’m 43 and also have a foot in my mouth... how are your hopping skills? 

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