Are there any women here?

Hi, I’m new to the forum and want to know if there are any women here online (I’m a  female professional in my early 40s). From reading some posts you are out there but kind of in the minority....I am hoping to seek diagnosis very soon and would appreciate knowing I’m not alone out here..! Thank you

Parents Reply
  • loooool can't recall the last time I hopped.  Have been hopping mad a fair bit though :O Both diagnosis have/will give me so much relief.  Have spent my whole life knowing I'm odd and different and also desperately trying to look people in the eye for as long as I could as my dad told me as a child it was a sign of a dishonest person :O Desperate not to be deceived as such a thing (which actually I'm not capable of) I've spent my life looking at the bridge of peoples noses so that they couldn't tell :O Have also referred to normal people as 'earthlings' and I see that you guys have got a different name for them!  Neurotypicals!  Love it!!
