
Hi, I'm new here.

I'm really struggling to concentrate when I need to be concentrating most.

It's always worse when I'm anxious but it happens any way. I've looked at pages online but nothings been helping.

Anyone relate or have any ideas?

  • Same here, usually when I'm anxious my brain is trying to get me to think about something else, or as others have said if something I'm not that interested in or it's poorly presented I struggle to stay on topic.

    I find a coffee helps, I think the caffeine helps focus, then it's down to trying hard to concentrate and not be side tracked. conversely I think drinking tea makes me worse. Never worked out why!

  • Same here, usually when I'm anxious my brain is trying to get me to think about something else, or as others have said if something I'm not that interested in or it's poorly presented I struggle to stay on topic.

    I find a coffee helps, I think the caffeine helps focus, then it's down to trying hard to concentrate and not be side tracked. conversely I think drinking tea makes me worse. Never worked out why!

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