
Hi, I'm new here.

I'm really struggling to concentrate when I need to be concentrating most.

It's always worse when I'm anxious but it happens any way. I've looked at pages online but nothings been helping.

Anyone relate or have any ideas?

  • I'm really struggling to concentrate when I need to be concentrating most.

    I suffer from this too - I used to have to read thousands of pages of technical jargon and pass tests on it as part of my job (if anyone knows the qualification of ITIL Expert then they know what I mean).

    I found a technique of 20 mins on and 20 mins off helped me - I could do something more relaxing for the off time, grab a drink etc and go back for a focussed but short 20 min on session.

    My concentration seemed easier to maintain as I knew it was short and I basically used this until the work was finished as it could be sustained for long periods.

    It does require discipline to stop the off times running on for tool long but setting alarms or stopwatches helps.

  • I'm really struggling to concentrate when I need to be concentrating most.

    I suffer from this too - I used to have to read thousands of pages of technical jargon and pass tests on it as part of my job (if anyone knows the qualification of ITIL Expert then they know what I mean).

    I found a technique of 20 mins on and 20 mins off helped me - I could do something more relaxing for the off time, grab a drink etc and go back for a focussed but short 20 min on session.

    My concentration seemed easier to maintain as I knew it was short and I basically used this until the work was finished as it could be sustained for long periods.

    It does require discipline to stop the off times running on for tool long but setting alarms or stopwatches helps.

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