Diagnosed with personality disorder before autism.

I am a women in my 50's.  A number of years ago I was diagnosed with a personality disorder.  After years of depression and meltdowns I finally got an assessment for autism.  I have had  private and nhs assessments which both conclude I am autistic.  Following an appointment today with mental health services it appears that the only route they want to go down is regarding my personality disorder which I feel was a misdiagnosis.  How do I get them to accept that this was a misdiagnosis and start to help me with my autistic difficulties>

  • I don't know you and your state of play, but, if you were misdiagnosed, as many of us were under the DSM3, 4, especially while presenting as female. ...

    Direct them to the DSM5 revised edition from 2023. They sound like they are not well informed.

    I was also misdiagnosed at first as an adult as I present as female. Autism was considered then ruled out when I was a small child as I was a "girl" child - in the '50s. Read my profile for more info.

    Then educate yourself. The more you know and can relate to your helpers the better. Self advocacy is all I had for decades. Now there is help for the younger of us, but it is still important to not be held hostage to a mercurial world view right now - and to have enough arrows in the quiver to get yourself dinner when the snow falls - as it will. Things will get squirrely again.

    Also read "Neurotribes" for a great history on autism, including misdiagnosis - And the new "Unmasking Autism" with a focus on women.

    Also you might decide to get another opinion and/or ask for help from the the NAS directly. 

  • I don't know you and your state of play, but, if you were misdiagnosed, as many of us were under the DSM3, 4, especially while presenting as female. ...

    Direct them to the DSM5 revised edition from 2023. They sound like they are not well informed.

    I was also misdiagnosed at first as an adult as I present as female. Autism was considered then ruled out when I was a small child as I was a "girl" child - in the '50s. Read my profile for more info.

    Then educate yourself. The more you know and can relate to your helpers the better. Self advocacy is all I had for decades. Now there is help for the younger of us, but it is still important to not be held hostage to a mercurial world view right now - and to have enough arrows in the quiver to get yourself dinner when the snow falls - as it will. Things will get squirrely again.

    Also read "Neurotribes" for a great history on autism, including misdiagnosis - And the new "Unmasking Autism" with a focus on women.

    Also you might decide to get another opinion and/or ask for help from the the NAS directly. 

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