Struggling mid-assessment

Hi everyone. I'm new here, first post. So firstly, hello!

I'm 37 years old and I finally decided to seek assessment for both Autism and ADHD, as quite frankly I'm exhausted and have reached a point in life where I'm wanting some answers/certainty about why I'm different to others around me. That and I'm tired of pretending/masking to fit in all the time. 

My GP agreed to refer me for both and I've completed the pre-assessment screening tools and forms. My mum has done all the ones for childhood information gathering too.

I have a date for the ADHD assessment (31st July) and I'm still waiting for the Autism assessment appointment. 

At this point now, where I'm waiting for the final appointments, I'm really struggling. The pre-assessment forms really made me focus in on my traits which lead to 4 weeks of hyperfocus on ADHD and ASD which has been exhausting and probably quite unhealthy? But also, it made me revisit childhood trauma and various issues which I'd normally prefer not to think about.

I feel like I've bared my soul to an unknown stranger and now I'm left here feeling vulnerable and just waiting. The not knowing if I'll be diagnosed either way is driving me to despair. 

Anyone else in this position/been there? Any advice to help me while I wait? 

  • Hi :) In all honesty the whole system sucks and you should not be being put through this heart goes out to son had to go through all this but fortunately for him he was 17 and I as his mum and carer did all the paperwork so he was eased of that burden...not meaning to.make you feel like a.kid as you're an adult ,however there is no shame getting another adult you trust to help you with this if you can..get them to go through the stupid paperwork they give you and to help you answer the questions by this I don't mean that you need help as you're incapable of answering something but I mean more that your friend may know you well and be able to answer them after discussing it with you...I son for example would answer a question like do you have trouble going outside with "no" ...when he fact and has been housebound for more than 10 yrs due to the stress and other complications of going out side.Good luck.

  • Thank you for replying and your experience and advice. I'm glad your son had you to help him.

    I'm in a fortunate position in that I do ok with form filling mostly. I work so have to do this kind of thing a lot. But...these forms threw me a bit as I found some of the questions difficult to understand or took them a bit too literally and initially answered no when actually the answer was yes. I'm married so enlisted my husband's help. I filled them myself but used him as a second opinion and we went through the questions together. He was able to help me interpret them better and offer up things I'd missed. 

    Equally, before even approaching the GP I asked family for their opinions and any traits they thought I had. So was able to use that too. 

  • Thank you for replying and your experience and advice. I'm glad your son had you to help him.

    I'm in a fortunate position in that I do ok with form filling mostly. I work so have to do this kind of thing a lot. But...these forms threw me a bit as I found some of the questions difficult to understand or took them a bit too literally and initially answered no when actually the answer was yes. I'm married so enlisted my husband's help. I filled them myself but used him as a second opinion and we went through the questions together. He was able to help me interpret them better and offer up things I'd missed. 

    Equally, before even approaching the GP I asked family for their opinions and any traits they thought I had. So was able to use that too. 

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