
Does anybody have any positive thoughts on medication, my daughter suffers from constant low mood and anxiety and I have tried so many things but I’m considering going to the doctor for more help!!!

  • I'm sorry your daughter is struggling at the moment. Teens are hard for autistic people, I remember my own teens were really difficult for me as there was so much change and a lot to process and think about. 

    I would approach your GP and ask for their advice. If your daughter is feeling like this it's important she gets help sooner rather than later. 

    When I was that age my mum took me to see the GP and I was put on antidepressants and referred for therapy. Both helped me through difficult times, especially the therapy.

    Please let us know how you get on. I hope things improve for you both.

  • I'm sorry your daughter is struggling at the moment. Teens are hard for autistic people, I remember my own teens were really difficult for me as there was so much change and a lot to process and think about. 

    I would approach your GP and ask for their advice. If your daughter is feeling like this it's important she gets help sooner rather than later. 

    When I was that age my mum took me to see the GP and I was put on antidepressants and referred for therapy. Both helped me through difficult times, especially the therapy.

    Please let us know how you get on. I hope things improve for you both.
