menopause: your experiences

I am at the end of the menopase journet for quite some time but I wonder what it was like for other people.

For me I was fascinated by it and it became my Special interest for a number of years.

One thing it did was make it harder to mask, which was liberating for me and baffling to some who did not really know me well.

  • Hi Uhane. I chose to go down the HRT route, so that has therefore limited my experience of affecting my autism and other things. I am 1 year into menopause and for me before HRT it was all about hot flushes at night keeping me awake. 

    What's it like at the end of the journey?

  •      I can't say what it will be like for you, honestly. I did not take the HRTs so my experience will have been considerably different. Perhaps some other women who did take them and are well past it can comment here about that.

        I can say this, diet and a healthy gut bacterial population was key to my well being at that time.

        I will also ask around of women I know who did take them and see what they experienced...

  •      I can't say what it will be like for you, honestly. I did not take the HRTs so my experience will have been considerably different. Perhaps some other women who did take them and are well past it can comment here about that.

        I can say this, diet and a healthy gut bacterial population was key to my well being at that time.

        I will also ask around of women I know who did take them and see what they experienced...

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