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EHCP ‘cease to maintain’ letter

Hello everyone,

My youngest has taken many months out of education due to mental health issues. He’s autistic, has selective mutism, OCD and depression - and college (it’s a Further Ed. College) was just too much for him so when it came to starting back again in September he couldn’t face it and so came off the course - but with the intention of going back to education eventually. He’s had an EHCP for many years (previously he had a Statement as it was called then). 
He has regular therapy with an NHS therapist but still has many struggles and wouldn’t want to be in full time education at present. 

Today - quite out of the blue - we received an email saying they want to remove his EHCP. They say he has ‘met his outcomes’ - which makes no sense as no one has even spoken to him in over a year. They don’t even say what outcomes - I don’t know what they’re talking about because nothing has really changed in terms of my sons situation or health etc since his last annual review. So they cannot know that he has ‘met his outcomes’.

Of course he’s not been attending college for a very long time - which is presumably the main issue. The problem is that he hopes  to eventually return to college and without the EHCP he won’t be able to do that - the cost of the fees - which are several thousand pounds - would make it completely impossible.

Has anyone else had one of these cease to maintain letters? What can we do? I feel totally overwhelmed by the idea of taking these people on - you hear such terrible stories about the battles people go through.

I’d massively appreciate any advice anyone can give on this. I don’t know where to start. Help!