residential schools

Hi in considering a residential school for my autistic son who is 13. Does anybody else son/daughter attend one. If so have you got any tips or advice on choosing the right one, and what is others experience of these types of school. Thanks

  • Hi, we are also considering a residential school for our severely autistic son who is soon to turn 8 years old.  Bearing in mind the process is probably going to be a very long one, my hubby and I are hoping to get the ball rolling once schools resume after the summer holiday. Any advice, suggestions, recommendations (though I'm aware this'll be tricky without any extra details), etc would be most appreciated. 

    Many thanks 

  • Hi, we are also considering a residential school for our severely autistic son who is soon to turn 8 years old.  Bearing in mind the process is probably going to be a very long one, my hubby and I are hoping to get the ball rolling once schools resume after the summer holiday. Any advice, suggestions, recommendations (though I'm aware this'll be tricky without any extra details), etc would be most appreciated. 

    Many thanks 

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