residential schools

Hi in considering a residential school for my autistic son who is 13. Does anybody else son/daughter attend one. If so have you got any tips or advice on choosing the right one, and what is others experience of these types of school. Thanks

  • Hi - where to start ?  Does your son want to go?  Will it be an improvement on where he is now?  You cd have a long journey ahead of you if you decide to pursue this.  Are you expecting your local authority to fund it?  They def won't want to so will put you off at every turn.  Be prepared for a number of battles.  Check out this site + the ipsea site for advice.  Also you must visit the schools you are interested in, preferably more than once.  Check out their inspection reports.  Be proactive.  Talk to anyone + everyone about the schools you visit.  Take your time, dwell on things a while. The school my son went to was about an hour's journey from home.  He cd have come home every wkend, every other wkend, every 3 wks etc.  Parents were to agree the frequency with the school + local authority as they provided transport with an escort.  In our case he came home every other wkend + all holidays.  I have no up-to-date info on residential schools. When my son was at an autism specific residential school I think it benefitted him educationally + also with all the extra curricular activities as well.  He settled well.

  • Hi - where to start ?  Does your son want to go?  Will it be an improvement on where he is now?  You cd have a long journey ahead of you if you decide to pursue this.  Are you expecting your local authority to fund it?  They def won't want to so will put you off at every turn.  Be prepared for a number of battles.  Check out this site + the ipsea site for advice.  Also you must visit the schools you are interested in, preferably more than once.  Check out their inspection reports.  Be proactive.  Talk to anyone + everyone about the schools you visit.  Take your time, dwell on things a while. The school my son went to was about an hour's journey from home.  He cd have come home every wkend, every other wkend, every 3 wks etc.  Parents were to agree the frequency with the school + local authority as they provided transport with an escort.  In our case he came home every other wkend + all holidays.  I have no up-to-date info on residential schools. When my son was at an autism specific residential school I think it benefitted him educationally + also with all the extra curricular activities as well.  He settled well.

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