My wife and I are really struggling with our 7yo son. He is a twin, which makes things trickier in other ways as his twin doesn’t have ASD.
I wanted to reach out as we’re really struggling in differences of opinion and we’re really stuck and feeling (me more so) a lot of shame, so please consider that when replying.
our sons default response in many, but not all situations, is to be violent. Sometimes it’s a pinch if he doesn’t get something he wants and distraction or redirection doesn’t work. When he has a meltdown, he can trash the house and break things and can often do things that are dangerous that could hurt him or us. If we attempt to intervene, he becomes very violent towards us.
we do the repair afterwards pretty well but don’t know if there should be any consequence, albeit small, for when he has hurt someone? The breaking things is different, that’s material and we’re not worried about ‘stuff’. We do our absolute best to not discuss and consequences during or immediately after any meltdowns but it always comes up and that’s because we’ve done it so far so it’s now a feature. Should this continue in a small way as he understands that it’s coming or could we try something different?
some of it is hard as he’s a twin and trying to get them both to understand that there different ways things are handled. Anyway, I look forward to hearing any suggestions:thoughts on what I’ve said.