Death of Pet

I can't explain how much I hate writing such devastating news especially the loss of a beloved pet. 

My daughter, Chloe, went out for dinner with her dad's family today and found out that her father's horse, Josie, passed away. He took Chloe to the stables so she could physically see this and to explain she is buried at the bottom of the field. This is the second horse that has passed away. 

She is absolutely devastated. I have offered if she wants to take but she shook her head and went to her room. I think she is in bed watching Netflix and probably will do this until she goes to sleep. 

How else can I help her with the death of her pet. She absolutely adores the horses. 

Thanks in advance 


  • In my life, I've lost grandparents, great grandparents, an uncle, a cousin, and two dogs. The dogs hurt more than any of them. There's no need to mask with an animal. No need to repress yourself. You can bond in a way that can be incomparable to even the closest human relationships.

    Probably for your daughter, putting feelings into words is too hard right now. She's doing what she can to not be overwhelmed by her emotions through distraction. She probably will, as you say, watch Netflix until she falls asleep, because her mind will find ways to fill the silence of the night otherwise.

    She needs time to process it her way. There's no telling how long that will take. Make sure she still does the basic things she needs to do day to day. You can try to talk to her again, but I'd give her at least a day or two.

  • In my life, I've lost grandparents, great grandparents, an uncle, a cousin, and two dogs. The dogs hurt more than any of them. There's no need to mask with an animal. No need to repress yourself. You can bond in a way that can be incomparable to even the closest human relationships.

    Probably for your daughter, putting feelings into words is too hard right now. She's doing what she can to not be overwhelmed by her emotions through distraction. She probably will, as you say, watch Netflix until she falls asleep, because her mind will find ways to fill the silence of the night otherwise.

    She needs time to process it her way. There's no telling how long that will take. Make sure she still does the basic things she needs to do day to day. You can try to talk to her again, but I'd give her at least a day or two.

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