Feeling so stressed, how do you help yourself?

  • You need somewhere to let off steam, are there any ASC parenting groups in your area who you could talk to? Or even Mumsnet?

    I get why you want to avoid a melt down at all costs, but do you think he could be using the threat of them manipulatively? It gives him a lot of power, what do his doctors say?

  • I do have friends, I run with and talk to, but no one seems to go through the same thing. 

    No just things like not opening the car door/ pressing the button for the telly cause complete meltdowns. 

    Sometimes we just switch on the telly. And this causes the end of the world. (So to speak) 

    The aggression towards us then means he goes to his safe space, but even hours later, he will use lego or anything to hurt himself with. Or try to touch his light to electrocute himself (in his words) or strangle himself with his door curtains. 

    I don't think it's to get his way as such, I think everything really needs to be like this ( to open the door/ close it). If that makes sense 

  • I do have friends, I run with and talk to, but no one seems to go through the same thing. 

    No just things like not opening the car door/ pressing the button for the telly cause complete meltdowns. 

    Sometimes we just switch on the telly. And this causes the end of the world. (So to speak) 

    The aggression towards us then means he goes to his safe space, but even hours later, he will use lego or anything to hurt himself with. Or try to touch his light to electrocute himself (in his words) or strangle himself with his door curtains. 

    I don't think it's to get his way as such, I think everything really needs to be like this ( to open the door/ close it). If that makes sense 

  • It is difficult when people you are are friends with don't get your situation. If you are finding it hard to find any local parent support groups, your son's school may have a list or be able to tell you where to find them. Where I live schools regularly send this information to parents or links on newsletters.  You may also find there are specific courses run for parents of neurodiverse children. Other than that your local authority may be able to help.

    You mention the difficulty of something changing suddenly, like switching off the TV. I wonder what happens if he is given warning of something or allowed to do the switching/ opening and closing himself so he feels it has been done the way he feels happy with.