5 year old girl masking and struggling at home

Hi, My Daughter is 5 YO and has been through some trauma (family deaths and a messy divorce from me and her mother)

She's developed relatively normally (Almost above average for a lot of things)

Noticed from young age some sensory issues (Noises, textures, certain foods). Mother doesnt see these but notices them

Signs are included but not limited too, forgetting to use toilet, soling and wetting and being too embarrassed to tell, panic attacks around even moderately loud noises, fixation on things being right (spoken or positionally etc), quite ritualistic and demands control of play.

Fear of speaking to teachers/family if something is bothering her. Nervousness, generalised anxiety around the unknown.

Very possessive (would not use ear defenders to protect ears because they were not HERS).

My paternal family recognises signs, maternal doesn't.

Doctors unwilling to do much as say have to wait for school.

School are being evasive and stating that children presenting their needs more loudly/obviously are more of a priority

CAMHS service only offering parent-led cbt for trauma

I'm at my wits end and don't really know where to turn. Is there any charities i can get advice? my daughter is masking a lot of the stimming she does at home (running in circles, picking fingers, spinning, repetitive words) from school, where she tries to fit in, although after her nan died last year, the mask fell at nursery and they noticed signs, but school is unwilling to listen,

What can i do?

  • Hello. My grandchild of the same age showing simililar but more subtle signs as your child. 

    She has been using toilet fine since she was 2, yet now at reception she is having number 2 accidents. She has always suffered with constipation, which is mainly die to her very restricted diet of what I can only witness as literally eating beige food. 

    I myself have just had a word with teacher, explained that my son and myself both asd, and I see enough red flags, that I would like her to mark any observations she may witness, at present teacher just thinks she's very sensitive.

    However....talking to a friend in a similar situation as us this is what she did to get the ball rolling and it worked for her.

    In our local children's hospital they have a incontinence team, she rang up and im not sure if it was a gp or self referral, but once she had seen them, that led onto seeing other doctors in other departments, her son 6 now, adhd, waiting for a asd diagnostic. 

    We are looking at this route now, after being on moviecol since a baby, from stomach pains, to being backed up, it's so unfair watching the little ones suffer in silence. We're also asking out gp for her to see a dietician, she lives on fresh air, never sits still and I think she may be tad anemiac . I'm hoping to keep knocking on doors till the right one opens, best of luck.

  • Hello. My grandchild of the same age showing simililar but more subtle signs as your child. 

    She has been using toilet fine since she was 2, yet now at reception she is having number 2 accidents. She has always suffered with constipation, which is mainly die to her very restricted diet of what I can only witness as literally eating beige food. 

    I myself have just had a word with teacher, explained that my son and myself both asd, and I see enough red flags, that I would like her to mark any observations she may witness, at present teacher just thinks she's very sensitive.

    However....talking to a friend in a similar situation as us this is what she did to get the ball rolling and it worked for her.

    In our local children's hospital they have a incontinence team, she rang up and im not sure if it was a gp or self referral, but once she had seen them, that led onto seeing other doctors in other departments, her son 6 now, adhd, waiting for a asd diagnostic. 

    We are looking at this route now, after being on moviecol since a baby, from stomach pains, to being backed up, it's so unfair watching the little ones suffer in silence. We're also asking out gp for her to see a dietician, she lives on fresh air, never sits still and I think she may be tad anemiac . I'm hoping to keep knocking on doors till the right one opens, best of luck.

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