My autistic teenage son hates me

My son was diagnosed with autism about 18 mths ago, since then he's been aggressive abusive isolating himself from his entire family he says he hates us all, he sleeps all day and wakes up at night and cooks his own meals he refuses to speak to me, I'm so worried. He's seeing a psychiatrist but that's not helping at all ,I'm at my wits end he's 15 I'm so worried he's going to end up hurting himself has anyone else experienced this any advice would be much appreciated thankyou .

  • That sounds awful for both of you - I’m so sorry.

    The only thing I can say is to do all you can to let your son know that you are 100% on his side and are there for him whenever he feels he wants to talk.  Keep the channels of communication as open as you possibly can. It seems that at the moment he feels he cannot talk to you - and as parents we can’t do much about that, other than to make it clear that you are always there for him, and that when he feels he can accept any support that you are going to be there for him. Unconditional love - no matter what. 
    If there are any little kind gestures you can make - small things like getting him his favourite food or something, just to show love and support - then it keeps that sense going that you are on his side and wanting to help. 
    He’s obviously struggling as he’s seeing a psychiatrist - but I’m sure you’ll both get through this difficult time and be able to improve your relationship in time. Try to be patient and hopefully he’ll reach out to you when he’s ready. 

  • I'm doing my best to let him know I'm there ,he won't speak to me at the moment tells me he hates me and he wishes I was dead.He says I should have got rid of him says he shouldn't have been born its heartbreaking to hear, I feel helpless i just wish I could do more he only gets to see his psychiatrist once a month I just don't think that's enough he won't attend school he's completely isolated .

  • I'm doing my best to let him know I'm there ,he won't speak to me at the moment tells me he hates me and he wishes I was dead.He says I should have got rid of him says he shouldn't have been born its heartbreaking to hear, I feel helpless i just wish I could do more he only gets to see his psychiatrist once a month I just don't think that's enough he won't attend school he's completely isolated .

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