Conflict in the family over vaccination

Well, there's already quite a bit of distress and conflict within our family, but the subject of vaccination is set to worsen things.  And I'm not sure how to manage this or even if that'd be advisable or possible.  We're all adults, after all.

That said, one adult son is fully vaccinated and the other (in a chronic "hikiomori" state) isn't, nor is he intending to be.  This makes our older son angry, to the extent he feels that our younger son is a threat to our wellbeing, if not our very lives.  He couches it in terms that are likely to feed into his anger and has also threatened to start destroying our younger son's IT stuff if he doesn't get vaccinated, plus is putting pressure on us to persuade him to get vaccinated asap.  The fact is that we have no power over our younger son and he's making an autonomous decision not to get vaccinated, although, given that he won't engage with anyone, this might not be because he has views about vaccination but rather that he seeks to avoid all contact.  

I'm worried.  The situation seems set to explode and, much as I try to talk things through and defuse the situation, it keeps welling up again.  I'm also feeling resentful at the consequences of their adult decisions being put onto us as parents, in addition to the pressure of various mental health issues, our very late diagnoses and not having anywhere to turn.  

Has anyone successfully negotiated this kind of situation, am I doomed to just wait for things to explode and how can I deal with my own mounting anxiety about my sons? 

  • hikiomori Almost by definition never go outside. So the real risk to the rest of the family is quite low. That said does your GP know about your sons extreme seclusion? If the only reason he won’t get vaccinated is the journey it might be posable to persuade a GP to make a home visit. At which point his GP could discuss his issues with him (eg extreme agoraphobia?)

  • +1 for home visit vacination - make sure it's via your GP. There are some scammers about.

    Has the younger son explained why he doesn't want to be vaccinated?

  • I offered to persuade the GP a couple of weeks ago but my son still just said no.  There may week be other reasons but I think it's simply in line with his refusal of everything.  He will barely speak to me either - it feels as though I get "timed out"after just a few words and he rushes away, back to his room, as if scared of any interaction at all.  Under these circumstances it's hard to know what his reasons really are.  

    Older son is scarily angry though.  :(

  • Yes, my older son is now taking ADHD meds, which have helped a lot in terms of his focus.  The consultant did mention to watch out for any increase in ager too, but our son was already very angry at that point and we've not noticed any increase.  

    Unfortunately services don't seem to do proper individually tailored formulations or look for autism of ADHD, so I suspect a lot of people are being missed.  And our local mental health services are only now being given a half day's training on autism.  I know this because it came up at one of the carers' meetings I attended, in which a representative from the NHS asked for our thoughts on their training!  

    I've seen a number of counsellors and psychotherapists over the years too plus also taken a lot of counselling training myself and at no point was autism, ADHD or neurodiversity once mentioned.  So their lack of knowledge doesn't surprise me.

    To me it's not much better than the 1970s, when my dad was in severe autistic burnout for years and was simply given massive, horse tranquiliser-size vallium tablets!  They didn't help but he was no bother to services whilst in the resulting zombie state!

  • Yes, my older son is now taking ADHD meds, which have helped a lot in terms of his focus.  The consultant did mention to watch out for any increase in ager too, but our son was already very angry at that point and we've not noticed any increase.  

    Unfortunately services don't seem to do proper individually tailored formulations or look for autism of ADHD, so I suspect a lot of people are being missed.  And our local mental health services are only now being given a half day's training on autism.  I know this because it came up at one of the carers' meetings I attended, in which a representative from the NHS asked for our thoughts on their training!  

    I've seen a number of counsellors and psychotherapists over the years too plus also taken a lot of counselling training myself and at no point was autism, ADHD or neurodiversity once mentioned.  So their lack of knowledge doesn't surprise me.

    To me it's not much better than the 1970s, when my dad was in severe autistic burnout for years and was simply given massive, horse tranquiliser-size vallium tablets!  They didn't help but he was no bother to services whilst in the resulting zombie state!

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