10 year old refusing to go outside due to bugs

HI guys, I'm new to the NAS, my son has ASD and ADHD.  He recently had an encounter with a wasp in his trampoline that freaked him out and is now terrified to go outside in case a fly or wasp comes near him, he's even refused to pick up stones (which he used to love collecting) in case there was a bug on it.  IT hasn't helped at a mozzie seems to have taken a liking to him and his thigh is covered in bites.  Any advice on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated, my husband and I just don't know how to handle this new development.

We had just got him coming outside with me more and off his devises but this has set him back a long way :( 

  • As long as they won't be harmed in any way he should be alright it's best to be aware of any bugs that can cause harm. I'm afraid of bugs that sting and I always avoid them as much as possible even inside.

  • As long as they won't be harmed in any way he should be alright it's best to be aware of any bugs that can cause harm. I'm afraid of bugs that sting and I always avoid them as much as possible even inside.

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