Blue Badge

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend.

Has the Blue changes which now include Autism come into operation?

All I can see on the internet it will be coming in this year with no confirmed date.

  • Thank you so much for pointing out my mistake.   I will pay more attention to your replies next time.

  • Blind people have always been able to get them , this is a site about autistic people and people with hidden dissabilities, and my post is about new rulings for autistic people, who have previously been prevented from obtaining blue badges, please fully read the previous posts before commenting.

  • I have a blind friend who cannot get about - they have a blue badge.

  • Hi, not a problem of fakers, its actually possible to be too disabled to qualify, if you score 12 on the taking a journey section on a PIP assessment you will not qualify for a Blue Badge as you are deemed to be unable to get around without assistance, and your assistant means you don't need a blue badge (this is straight from the mouth of the Dept for Transport), however a score of 10 and no other will automatically get you a badge.

  • I've heard that they are being inundated with applications as everyone believes they are now autistic - conveniently.   They are trying to sort the wheat from the chaff so there will be a period of being strict to reject the many, many fakers.

  • Hi, the changes to the Blue Badge Scheme are in effect and as usual the council is finding ways to make it impossible to apply under the new rules, I have just received a notification from the council that only someone with hidden disabilities with 10 points under planning a journey (PIP) can have a badge under the new scheme, anyone on 12 points does not qualify despite the DWP confirming to me that 12points is definitely a higher score than 10 (who would have thought), I have tried the department for transport website but there is no help posted there. Does anyone have any ideas is  this just a lone council being overly pedantic or are the organisers at the DFT really that stupid that they didn't check the meaning of sliding scale scoring with the DWP.

  • Hi NAS62134,

    I've had a look around and come up with the same inconclusive answers you did. It appears (though it's not clear) that the legislation to change the blue badge rules will need to be passed by parliament before coming into effect, and it doesn't seem that's happened yet. Hopefully it will be passed soon as 'Spring 2019' is the target. Sorry not to have better news!

    Ross - mod