Nemchek protocol

Hi! I am mother of 3 n half year old son with symptoms suggestive of autism....was searching for latest treatments ( at research level)....came across the Nemchek protocol.....its a trio of using omega 9 etc....if anyone here has an experience please  let me know......should I tak a chance to try....or shouldn’t I?

  • There is no cure for autism; no medical or dietary intervention can make an autistic person stop being autistic. End of.

    The things that will improve your son's quality of life are;

    Having and keeping to a schedule (and explaining clearly what will happen when, esp. if doing a novel activity, e.g. a holiday). This could include a visual timetable.

    Avoiding potential sensory overstimulation (loud noises/bright lights/scratchy clothing/etc.).

    Ensuring there are retreats if needed for him to recharge in a prolonged social situation.

    Making school and playgroup, etc. aware and working with them to help your son succeed academically and socially.

    Very importantly, not encouraging him to mask (pretend not to be autistic) as this is draining and very bad for mental health in the long run, which includes not stopping him carrying out comforting repetitive behaviours (e.g. arm flapping).

  • There is no cure for autism; no medical or dietary intervention can make an autistic person stop being autistic. End of.

    The things that will improve your son's quality of life are;

    Having and keeping to a schedule (and explaining clearly what will happen when, esp. if doing a novel activity, e.g. a holiday). This could include a visual timetable.

    Avoiding potential sensory overstimulation (loud noises/bright lights/scratchy clothing/etc.).

    Ensuring there are retreats if needed for him to recharge in a prolonged social situation.

    Making school and playgroup, etc. aware and working with them to help your son succeed academically and socially.

    Very importantly, not encouraging him to mask (pretend not to be autistic) as this is draining and very bad for mental health in the long run, which includes not stopping him carrying out comforting repetitive behaviours (e.g. arm flapping).

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