Not receiving e-mail notifications?

Am I the only one who is not receiving notifications when someone has posted to a thread that they are subscribed to?

  • We have fixed the issue with email notifications. This will have resulted in a flood of messages, as your outstanding notifications were delivered. That in turn might be why some of you (including me) got duplicates. Please post here if that continues to happen in the coming days.

    I agree that your sign-in times out too soon, and that on many systems it would last days or weeks, whereas here it's less than an hour. We have plans for that, but it's a fairly central part of our systems.

  • We have fixed the issue with email notifications.


    This problem repeats regularly.

  • I've raised this with our suppliers. We previously put an alert in place, so I am trying to find out whether that is working, and whether the problem this time is the same. I am aware of the reports over the summer.

    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  • We have been working on this. We have not found a problem as such, but the service that sends notifications was restarted, and this may have resolved it. We're continuing to investigate, so please carry on updating this thread with any new information about notifications arriving.

  • The dam has burst!  The first 149 notifications have just arrived - I assume many, many more to follow.

    Thanks to whoever fixed the issue.  Smiley

  • Still nothing - and not going to spam - this is exactly as it was last time.

  • We're trying to look into it - including whether we're again falling foul of Spamcop etc, which Cassandro mentioned previously. Forums do seem to be prone to this kind of thing - I think it was you who mentioned a similar problem on another site. It remains the case that, once an email goes out of our systems, we don't really have control over its delivery, even if there are things we can do to help.

  • Still nothing - and not going to spam - this is exactly as it was last time so I suspect there's been an update somewhere.     

    Don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm on - maybe there's a reason why they are either not being sent by this site or being rejected by the outlook e-mail server.

  • I've heard back, and the previous problem does not appear to be recurring, i.e. the process that sends out the emails is running as expected. Nonetheless, they are clearly not arriving consistently for all our users. Please let me know if the situation changes, and notification emails start (or stop!) arriving. Please do also check your Spam or similar folder in case emails are being misidentified. We'll continue to investigate.

  • I've heard back, and the previous problem does not appear to be recurring, i.e. the process that sends out the emails is running as expected. Nonetheless, they are clearly not arriving consistently for all our users. Please let me know if the situation changes, and notification emails start (or stop!) arriving. Please do also check your Spam or similar folder in case emails are being misidentified. We'll continue to investigate.
