Special Interests

I don't mind calling an obsession an obsession if it occupies every waking hour of my day, though it seems to be increasingly un-PC and now we talk about 'special interests.' All that aside, what's everyone interested in?

For me as a child it was dinosaurs, then Ancient Egypt and then Pokemon, in that order.

  • Another special interest if late has of course been self-identification, and then figuring ways to get it verified. I should add that all along I faced the prospect that my own self-identification alone might have to suffice. And in future I might have to accept that the DSM might change significantly

  • Another special interest if late has of course been self-identification, and then figuring ways to get it verified. I should add that all along I faced the prospect that my own self-identification alone might have to suffice. And in future I might have to accept that the DSM might change significantly

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