Ramblings of the mis-wired....

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a button, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!? 

  • How beautiful sad and poignant. Maybe there is also safety and comfort in the cage. Some people feel the fear and do it anyway and others don't. I know I miss out on things because of it. Do we choose to trap ourselves? And if we want to change that how do we go about it... I really enjoy the poetry you post and Tom too. I like Ted Hughes poetry he wrote about the skylark and thought fox and other things of nature. 

  • We have a tawny and barn owl here...curlews have a great call..... I have a car, been through a driving test a couple of times,.but need someone to got out in the car with me! Someone prefers me with clipped wings, methinks Heart️ 

  • Caged Bird

    A free bird leaps
    on the back of the wind
    and floats downstream
    till the current ends
    and dips his wing
    in the orange sun rays
    and dares to claim the sky.

    But a bird that stalks
    down his narrow cage
    can seldom see through
    his bars of rage
    his wings are clipped and
    his feet are tied
    so he opens his throat to sing.

    The caged bird sings
    with a fearful trill
    of things unknown
    but longed for still
    and his tune is heard
    on the distant hill
    for the caged bird
    sings of freedom.

  • More in common! Your description suits me well and very poetic. Definitely something special about hearing owls, skylarks lapwings and curlews. My cage is living in town and not being well enough to change that or get out to nature as much as I'd like. Could you learn to drive? 

  • I need the bubble...but to be unbubbled...being in here helps, but birdsong and a woodland, a long coastal walk....lying in the grass with a good read and the sound if a distant skylark would be very much welcome.  

    My husband can't walk that far ...yards...and he teases me because I am like a dog of its lead when outdoors..I don't drive so land locked most if the time.....constantly urging someone to open the doors of the bird cage! Lol

  • Well done for the rescue mission, you'd be pleased to see it fly off. I like the sound of your local companions.. would suit me. Both of you switching off in your own ways.. mine feels like a bubble existence too which is fine sometimes and not so fine at others. Would you like it to be more lively and less of a bubble or does the bubble give you chance to recharge? 

  • Sort off days off are sometimes just about the light relief is needed.

    I had to rescue a yearling blackbird from my cat  today ...it flew off after some care from me.., but cross with my cat...my local companions - the blackbirds, robin, wrens, owls, bat and the last remaining house martins...

    my OH has been stuck in front of the television today..,so a sort of day off myself...got some space, but a rather quiet bubble existence! X 

  • Yes I think so. We just had a gentle day. Took flowers to mum's grave,    Had nice Sunday lunch. Then had a look over the hedges to see what farming going on. I planted some cuttings I'd taken from dad's garden and now just shooed a puss cat away as curious about my guinea pig. I used to be able to let them run free range in the garden but not any more .. still like to let him graze a bit tho. Sort of had a day off.. 

  • Dad ok? You ok? 

  • glad to hear it... x

  • Stepped down from duties now....the weekend starts here! Lol

  • Hope you got to relax a little too amongst all the chores. 

  • Yes a good day. Just half way through a film then will tackle the task in hand. 

  • Sound like a good day. Try Norbert to stress about the decorating and try to  focus on the end result. x

  • . said:
    Shopping - eeek! - I am expecting an online food order later...hate supermarkets...so noisy, busy, and full of so many stressed people.  Hate shopping generally, really....

    Me too! But as just me hard to warrant a delivery so I just stick to the small shops nearby. 

    Poor Spotty you must have needed the extra time relaxing. 

    We had a nice time with lunch out and looking at the scenery. Last leg of official decorating so have to move more stuff so that can be done tomorrow. Motivation will come out of necessity in a while! 

  • Try and keep your head above the water line...and beware the under-tow!

    Shopping - eeek! - I am expecting an online food order later...hate supermarkets...so noisy, busy, and full of so many stressed people.  Hate shopping generally, really....

    Another day of domestic goddess duties today....school kit ironed, laundry on, shoes to polish, floors to mop, and beds to make...but provides an excuse to keep my head down and be undisturbed...

  • Oh dear, it's nearly afternoon and I've only just crawled out of my pit. And we have to go shopping, boo. Hope everyone else is having an ok day. I will imagine swimming in the sea by the ship for a while.

  • Morning all. Yes busy chatter last night. We do need the humorous banter along with the pleas for help. I hope you don't need to have your mask and armour on all day Ellie. I'm going on a mystery tour short or long not sure but out for a few hours with dad which will be nice after a sofa day yesterday. 

  • Now which one of you knocked on my door and woke me up last night!

    Another day in "other land" - ...... armour on (check), mask on (check)..,strike a pose..and ..time to play Neurotypical.

    good morning crew! Hope you are all ok and not one feels sea sick! Ocean