How did your day go?

Hi folks,

Today was the first day of my week-long induction into my new job, working as an Individual Support Worker in day services in a local autism charitable trust.  It was an interesting, if exhausting day.  We all got to introduce ourselves and talk about our experiences with autistic people.  I seemed to be the only one who'd worked in care for several years.  Many people were completely new to it.  It was great to see such enthusiasm, though, for working with people on the spectrum.  Most of the people we'll be working with are severely autistic and need 24-hour support.

I was also the only person there with an autism diagnosis, which I mentioned - and which generated a flurry of interest.  The trainers would often come to me for perspectives, and most people seemed generally keen to hear of my experiences both through working with autistic people and through my own personal experiences as an autistic person.  I think this is really going to be a great place to work!

I was anxious as hell over the weekend - mainly about the journey there.  I did a lot of planning, though (my car doesn't have sat-nav) and didn't get lost once, despite a lot of complicated city-centre navigation.  I have a hopeless sense of direction, and one wrong turning would have left me in Nightmare-land!  I feel so much better now!

How was everyone else's day today?


  • Ah spotty bless you. I am a socialist in my thinking I have always cared about others,fairness being my thing,I have to shut out the news as I get far to depressed at the constant injustice, you and me could sort out a lot of the troubles. Major stress for me is the blokes at work talking about football! How the flipping heck can any man be earning millions a week? Just to kick a ball back and forth.How they sleep at nite? And my work mates pay big time to go see them!morons.

    I actually like watching football but only non professional teams,now they put there heart and soul into it.they play not for money but enjoyment and pride.

    right enough of this,ellie and spotty how was your day,not just a polite bit of banter I actually would like to know.

    And where's missy? Actually I hope missy is taking a rest from trying to help all the desperate folks on here,she deserves great praise.

    I think we should all do the lottery and then we could buy an island like tom found,maybe somewhere a bit warmer but lots of separate little cottages,we could all have"Do not disturb" signs for when we need quite time,

    Cats dogs and guinea pigs very welcome.

    maybe I should ring Richard Branson as he has dyslexia? And his own island,maybe he would invite us over?

    Really buzzing tonite,no not extra painkillers just pain,makes my whole body tingle,I actually relax when I feel pain? No kinky stuff btw.

    Nite nite all  I will check in tomorrow,off to read some posts now,oh and do my rounds checking the doors and making sure all is well,on duty as usual.keeping you all safe.

    big hug to hug now that's something to ponder,x

  • I agree with Warror, almost as shocking as realising you are on the spectrum is wading around in these forums to find just how broken this country is. 

    I'm left wing and have been all my life, to me that boils down to giving two hoots about your fellow humans. I've not been labouring under the illusion that we live in a free and caring society, but the extent of the neglect, cruelty and misery caused by our social (don't) care systems is horrific.

    Give this lad a chance now and he could have a fulfilling life, cut down his hope and confidence and he could turn into another person stuck inside their own head and house terrorised by the pernicious benefits system.

    So many lives that could be content and productive must be being laid waste to for lack of support and I guess most of it comes back to money and where power lies.


  • divide and conquer is a small victory but it leaves us alone x

  • OK you. Get cuddles and hugs if you can  x

  • How rediculouse of them to offer the place and then take it away,heart breaking for him and his mum.

    The whole system is broken.

    last week on our local news a young boy was attacked by a group of boys!he was autistic.just being in the park made him a target? This country is a mess,no standards,no rules,couldn't care less mentality,

    As for digging being fun! It used to be,regardless of what it is I do it has to be perfect(as I can)and everything I do has a reason,I don't just do stuff! I analyse it and focus on the task in hand.watching some fool just trying to lever something is so annoying,get the fulcrum right for pete's sake. I end up showing them and explaining but I might as well blow at the clouds to expose the sun.

    Been out the shed to find my mini cutter,couldn't resist and spray painted one of my vices,looking real good in"record" blue.record being tool makers of vices,Stilson.and loads of stuff. Just waiting for my wife to ring for a lift home,bless her she works to hard,I keep telling her to quit it,I am sure we could survive on my wages.

    Oh yeah where she cleans there is an IT web design company,she reckons quite a few are autistic types,I saw a young lady once come out as I was dropping my wife off,she looked all over her car,double checked everything,didn't make eye contact even though we were right next to her, I said hello,she mermered something sort of smiled and jumped in her car quick.bless.

    my wife said it took weeks before she would respond to hello.and their offices have just put up desk dividers and dividers everywhere?

    Ah wife ringing see ya later.big hugs.

  • Reality check: not everyone had a great Monday

    Btw...this is out of the geographical area that I work 

  • Lol re: Charlie Dimmock..her gardening knowledge was quite infectious!

    scrolling us indeed how I spend 50% of my time here onlinr

    glad you're ok...hand digging sounds fun! Like being a human badger! Keep smiling! X

  • Hi Ellie yes very alive thanks,took ages to get to this last post! Maybe tom could start a "How did your day go?"part two? Only 147-8 replies to scroll through,

    Been busy on new job,lots of hand digging which yes will do my back no good at all,can't just stop working though,I do take it easy but if my labourer is the digger driver then I get to shovel,besides he hasn't got the knowledge to guide me on a digger or spot cables etc.

    So tried to sort my car tonite! Not much success,exhaust bolts,got three out of four undone,one rounded off,so fed up came home.I will have to split the nut with a little dremmel  type tool.very little room for anything else, I can think of better things to be doing laid on my back,especially as muck generally gets in your eyes.

    well that's my day,had contact from someone who knew my brother! Just asked if they knew me when I was little,no reply yet.she went to our school but at age 11 so may not have known us when younger,my brother was her first boyfriend apparently.

    Sat watching ground force reruns now,Charlie dimmock!now her I remember as an older boy.can't remember why? 

  • Yay..found the thread

    so that was Monday (round 2 for some of us)

    you're home, you've dusted yourself down....are you still alive!?

  • Guess so.

    I do get comments on there about how nice or lovely my family were.all true.i remember them back as well but I think I was behind my thick glass barrier! Off up the chip shop,any orders,see ya soon.x

  • You feeling a bit sore?

    i am one of three siblings....hurt last year at a family funeral where my mum introduced me last....!

  • Me ok? I am fine thanks,been doing some thinking just lately.nothing big just me and ASD etc,been some nice pictures and comments on that fb page I go on,it's for where I grew up ,1950's 60's and 70's.we were lucky to have been there in our community at that period of time,lovely people who knew my siblings and parents,no  real feed back about me but my siblings loads? More proof I didn't exhist?who knows?

    but yeah mr happy at you lot.

  • ) ( said:
    Did it feel any different teaching the young newcomer now that you ARE on the spectrum?

    Not formally diagnosed but emailed mum yesterday to say I was looking forward to teaching her child and braved a p.s to say that I was part of the club as well.

    still in touch with kids I taught 15,yrs ago. 

    You ok? 

  • Hi Ellie how fantastic to be remembered by an ex student,he has something very good with a four year apprenticeship,made me smile that did, I found my old chemistry and physics teacher on face book,we are friends,I don't think he understood me back then but still did amazing things to help me,not academic but school trips to north wales,I owe him so very much, I also apologised for being a difficult pupil,I also told him I was dyslexic,haven't dared say about my ASD.yet! He has thousands of friends on face book,he was a rare person indeed,I learnt about natures beauty and socialising with others,I couldn't get used to calling him by his name instead of sir.

    Did it feel any different teaching the young newcomer now that you ARE on the spectrum? Really interested as I would wonder what it's like to converse face to face with someone like me,scares me to meet someone with severe autism,I just couldn't cope,or could I? I'm not scared or worried if I see a disabled person so maybe I could cope very well, I have never felt uncomfortable about any disability.

    I am rambling! Good to hear all,big hugs().

  • Everyone has been so busy and so easy to miss names and people. My ASD student is hope they enjoyed their session with me today. Not able to access my IT account at work to find out if mum or student had anything to say. Hopefully good.

    forgit about Quirky...,things seem fairly quiet there? Hope all is ok x

  • Thankyou  Lonewarrior. Ellie how did it go with the new student with asd? Must feel some pride when an ex student voluntarily sends their regards? Don't forget Quirky on a different time zone.. and Spotty has been on the forum today. Glad Toms week has gone well and sounds like he may have access to a work library... Books

  • Oh Lone... six hours of back to back teaching today! Phew! But....found out the one if my old students (ASD/ADHD).... has just started a 4 yr apprenticeship with Range Rover....he sent me his regards today....

    every child a grey hair and a wrinkle..,it's exhausting, but positive...!

    miss you guys loads! 

  • Hi all and a big welcome back to tom,tom I am so really really happy for you right now,Grinning.Everything is sounding so positive and long may it continue,I really wish I could give you a really big hug!

    Can I please say a big thank you from us all for starting this post,it has become the unofficial meeting place and any subject matter goes,we have had our ups and downs but we have survived the first week relatively unscathed,it would have been so much better with you here but I understand how things are,Keep being focused on your book and your new amazing job, Right now I feel we have been using your gaff in your absence but it's a very nice gaff and we did keep it clean for you.

    Hi Ellie I had a good stress free day today,I hope your day went ok to? Plenty of time if you want to talk about anything,tom won't mind .I thought about you today as I was teacher Lol.

    Got very wet then very  dry again,saw lightening and heard thunder, I spent a bit of time teaching the young operator how to operate a jcb,he did ok,big hug.

    Dear missy you have helped complete my weekend by achieving three things,small things they may appear but I know how the little things can start the anxiety off. I said before about my phone call,it took quite a while to get ready for it?

    You are doing very well,()()()()(),,,,cannot resist,,,,,big hug,,blush blush.Blush

    So where's spotty and quirky and any of the others? Hugs reserved until you appear.

  • Get you! So pleased you've been getting out there...and better still you survived! X I hope we get some to catch up properly over the weekend!

  • Hello Ellie. Yeay you all made it through the whole week. I did 3 things out of my comfort zone today and the rest of the time was lazy.. but also researching , making an enquiry and chatting on here. My 3 things were making an appointment, checking up on a relative and visiting my elderly recently widowed next door neighbour. 2 phone calls got my heart pounding but I did it. Seem such small things when I write them. Hope you have a nice weekend