The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

  • Missy I feel your anger, how dare they start all this without even talking to you? Disgraceful.

    I did know you were left hanging around waiting to hear from social services,I had hoped it would happen doesn't help anyone being left wondering,

    Rant and rant more,go for it,get all that anger out,it may feel cleansing,it doesn't have to be grammatically correct,no spell check,just words ,I ramble when upset,I mix words up,I cannot focus as my brain is flying here there and everywhere,You can see it in my super long posts,so much confusion in my head,I let it out,I need to,I don't always need anyone to understand me,nice when people just say hello though,no judgement just being there for me, I actually need strong people and people like you who just happen to be nice,despite your current situation you still manage to say nice things and listen. You go out of your way for many,

    missy you and me are lovely people! Surrounded with wounded souls who despite their issues are never horrible or nasty,there is no nasty on here. Autism rules.

    big hug.() 

  • I just need to rant. Silly really emotional overload. Sensible me says wait but just need to connect. I'm waiting for social services to contact me but there is a lot of demand. My previous contact before diagnosis wasn't great so I thought I'd like help to navigate. I contacted Nas to see if they had advocacy or support in my area.. no they don't but try here. I'd tried here and they were very nice, I thought this sounds good but then... they don't cover my area, I'll contact the team in your area, ok I say, thinking it would be the same team in a different place.. just got an email from unheard of people, no idea of anything about them or their experience or if I would like them..  before even saying hello to me they had contacted the council over my head , no hello, no this is who we are,this is what we do, this is our experience.. shall we meet up None of that just straight to the council who incidentally haven't had the courtesy to contact me. I just feel walked all over .. how can I trust them to advocate for me when they took away my advocacy? How will I find anyone who  is familiar with mental health issues and ND and knows their way around the system? Sorry this is intense again just makes me feel what system is there is against me. 

  • Aaaaasrrrrggghhh! I really don't want to do it this year, and I've been saying that for ever. I know you probably don't have much choice Ellie, but it's a crock of **** these days to me. I wish there were a communal shell you could vote for, to not participate. Somewhere quiet, with books and seperate rooms and bass guitars etc. 

    Happy Wednesday. x

  • Yuk big sorry far too early for that word!! Neutral faceRolling eyes

  • Don't mention Christmas Christmas tree 

  • Thankyou Lonewarrior your kindness is a blessing 

  • Spotty I was really stressing! I am the warrior defender,wish I could defend you and missy from the downs! Feel a bit useless, I know you both aren't keen on hugs but right now I feel like a group cuddle is in order(well it is virtual) maybe our good vibes will be absorbed into you?

    like ellie said,major hugs to all.(it's all I have but I regard my given hugs as precious.)

  • Hey Spotty. Yes we do. It will. One day at a time. Yes it's good that is being done I was worrying how Idvever have enough energy and stamina to do it so it's a relief.  It will look brighter when it's finished but then my bit will be putting things back. I was lucky it could be started so quickly ( slotting me in by chance) I haven't had to wait long because he's booked up til Christmas! ()() () to you all too. 

  • Major hugs back to the both of you xxxx

  • Hey Misfit, we seem to be in the doldrums together at the moment, I agree that all we can hope is that it will pass and something will shift to wards the positive soon. Good that your decorating is getting done. ()()() to all.

  • Actually I shouldn't have asked that. Hopefully she will post when she's ready. 

  • Trying to. Will do a bit more tomorrow. Another early night due I think. Hope your day was ok. Have you heard from Spotty? 

  • Hey Missy

    get you with your busy day...keep battling the lows (but gently) - ok 

  • Hello Lonewarrior Just a quiet day at home doing a task then having a rest. I got a few things done so .. good. Nice to be getting the decorating done and the things I managed made me feel a bit better. Still feeling low though but it will pass. Hope your visitors don't tire you out ! I keep reading about your mechanicing and car and tools and it's very interesting. 

  • Hello missy hope your day went ok for you,I to get a move on when visitors are here,when all I want to do is rest.glad we rarely get visitors ha ha.

  • Still really tired and low so will take it steady but... today the decorator has started and so it feels like something is being freshened up. It inspired me to get on with some washing and cleaning this morning. Sometimes we need a boost from someone else. Yesterday I pulled out a very leggy woody lavender which will make room for my new plants. Need to get digging! . I'm thinking of trying some propogating from the old lavender ; might work! It will also make good firewood. And the sun is shining which is always a plus. Anyway just thought I'd post on the day to day 101. 

  • Thanks .. I hope so too. Hope you do something you enjoy as well x

  • Hope you have a lovely day and the weather's good for your adventure x

  • Good morning everyone. Happy Sunday. Today I am getting out of the house and going out with my Dad. We will have lunch out and go look at an open heritage site with cake and plant stalls etc maybe a potter about the countrylanes. Hope you have an enjoyable Sunday too. 

  • ElephantInTheRoom said:

    my favourite is still Bladerunner. Studied the philosophy of the book as part of my first degree.  - it's philosophical and existential themes.

    From the philosophical and existential perspective, the replicant/puppet-origami theme of Bladerunner, the spice/melange-wierding-way theme of Dune, and the monolith-door/passage-advancement theme of 2001: A Space Odyssey were pretty much my favourites. Oh - Logon's Run too. Actually I could go on and on about so many films but best not perhaps.

    Definitely got to say though that the 'C-beam/Tears In Rain' monologue of the replicant Roy Batty was immense for me, it moved me to the core.