The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

  • Good morning everyone. Happy Sunday. Today I am getting out of the house and going out with my Dad. We will have lunch out and go look at an open heritage site with cake and plant stalls etc maybe a potter about the countrylanes. Hope you have an enjoyable Sunday too. 

  • Hope you have a lovely day and the weather's good for your adventure x

  • Thanks .. I hope so too. Hope you do something you enjoy as well x

  • Thank you Spotty. I'm sure I saw Ellie a minute ago too will have a look round. ()()

  • They are not selfish thoughts Misfit, you've been handed a whole dictionary of diagnoses to contend with and you need help, you deserve a lot more than you are getting.  It shouldn't be so hard and you certainly shouldn't feel guilty. ()()()

  • Misfit61 said:
    don't deserve it

    Where does that come from, Missy?  Disappointed

  • Hi Spotty.  How are you and how is your shell.

    Been a fast and furious couple of weeks back at already singed around the edges (not a full burn out yet)....

    I couldn't be pig headed if I tried....i am far too passive for that! I think i would rather hide in the kitchen when people come over to is surprising how long it takes to peel a carrot!!

    OH just gone to have a lie down...keeps him out of the way and I can get some Spotty time!  He is unsure about me being online..I guess he just doesn't like not being the centre of attention and is probably worried about what we all talk about?

    How is the bass playing....gardening in the rain..... etc etc.  Are you still in a slump....

    To quote Dr Suess - "unslumping yourself is never much fun!"

    Hope @Misfit61, @Lonewarrior,  , and  et al are all ok and hanging there..

  • Goodnight all ( sounds like Dixon of Dock Green). Thank you again. 

  • Thank you for your hug. Big hugs in return. 

    Well of course the thoughts are swimming round. Why can't I get it right? Maybe I've got it all wrong.. Ivdont know how the system works.. I should be grateful for what I'm offered.. I shouldn't need help and I don't deserve it, do I really have to be assessed again to get help, if I get help will they understand or like me? Why or why can't someone help me? See all selfish thoughts. ... 

  • Spotty I have often thought that but not for me to say but I have worried too that you do too much Ellie. maybe he does his share but it wasn't sounding like that. So Ellie we are concerned about you. However I know sometimes it's calmer waters to do things yourself as you like them and keep some control as you said once but even so it does seem rather a lot.. 

  • And hugs and sweet dreams back at you Lone. 

  • Missy please stop apologising, you may have regrets about what you said,but having read it I think you are deserving of more than you actually wrote.

    like I said,when I get anxiety or stress I come on here and rant,whatever the subject I just get it out of my head,if I don't then it churns around inside and gets even more mixed up with everything else. We all need to vent every now and if you need it do it,As nite watchman I give you full permission.

    you are a sweet thing, don't go into that abyss, I went potholing once,school trip,never been so freaked out,dark,narrow tunnels to squeeze through,the belly shuffle was the only way to move,arms stretched out ahead,nothing to grip,feet can't push against anything,wiggle like a worm. I did calm down eventually and actually enjoyed it. 

    My hugs are running a bit low but still have a few left for special people!

    missy= hug.

    spotty= hug


    Tom big man hug.

  • Oh Ellie, I do worry about you and his complete refusal to understand, he'll burn you out like that. I think you may have to be more pig headed and tell him he has to cook and entertain some of the unwanted arrangements...

  • Please feel free to rant Misfit, you haven't said anything awful and I feel furious for you at the way you've been treated and lack of assistance.  I wish I could help somehow.  We have our hands out to keep you from the abyss. x

  • Thanks Ellie. The kindness I receive here is worth gold. You folk being here helps. I just feel so useless attempts I make to get out of my shell just too hard so I hide again. I turned to social services but they haven't contacted me at all. I'm trying to set up support to help me with social services but that's not going as I'd hoped, I talked to someone and they just got frustrated with me. It feels like my meagre attempts to reach out get thwarted. I like the sound of Spotty and your Christmas. How was your day? X

  • Is there anything we can help with....don't feel any shame with ranting 

  • Can I join your xmas shell-in. My husband has booked the following

    1. xmas day my dad and step mother
    2. boxing day his daughters
    3.  Day after Boxing Day, mother in law and brother in law, plus his boys


    i suggest we enjoy those up in Scotland ...dogs, open fire, and off grid!

  • Thank you Lonewarrior. I know I over reacted. I tried to delete it but too late.. out it tumbled. Shouldn't have sent emails either. It just made me feel like there was nowhere to turn to. Doesn't help that my communication with people about me is getting worse I feel like I'm falling into an abyss. I like reading your rants because it's often about things I care about too even if I don't say anything. Anyway apologies to everyone for my rant and thankyou Lonewarrior for saying something. Hugs ()

  • Missy I feel your anger, how dare they start all this without even talking to you? Disgraceful.

    I did know you were left hanging around waiting to hear from social services,I had hoped it would happen doesn't help anyone being left wondering,

    Rant and rant more,go for it,get all that anger out,it may feel cleansing,it doesn't have to be grammatically correct,no spell check,just words ,I ramble when upset,I mix words up,I cannot focus as my brain is flying here there and everywhere,You can see it in my super long posts,so much confusion in my head,I let it out,I need to,I don't always need anyone to understand me,nice when people just say hello though,no judgement just being there for me, I actually need strong people and people like you who just happen to be nice,despite your current situation you still manage to say nice things and listen. You go out of your way for many,

    missy you and me are lovely people! Surrounded with wounded souls who despite their issues are never horrible or nasty,there is no nasty on here. Autism rules.

    big hug.() 

  • I just need to rant. Silly really emotional overload. Sensible me says wait but just need to connect. I'm waiting for social services to contact me but there is a lot of demand. My previous contact before diagnosis wasn't great so I thought I'd like help to navigate. I contacted Nas to see if they had advocacy or support in my area.. no they don't but try here. I'd tried here and they were very nice, I thought this sounds good but then... they don't cover my area, I'll contact the team in your area, ok I say, thinking it would be the same team in a different place.. just got an email from unheard of people, no idea of anything about them or their experience or if I would like them..  before even saying hello to me they had contacted the council over my head , no hello, no this is who we are,this is what we do, this is our experience.. shall we meet up None of that just straight to the council who incidentally haven't had the courtesy to contact me. I just feel walked all over .. how can I trust them to advocate for me when they took away my advocacy? How will I find anyone who  is familiar with mental health issues and ND and knows their way around the system? Sorry this is intense again just makes me feel what system is there is against me. 

  • Aaaaasrrrrggghhh! I really don't want to do it this year, and I've been saying that for ever. I know you probably don't have much choice Ellie, but it's a crock of **** these days to me. I wish there were a communal shell you could vote for, to not participate. Somewhere quiet, with books and seperate rooms and bass guitars etc. 

    Happy Wednesday. x

  • Yuk big sorry far too early for that word!! Neutral faceRolling eyes

  • Don't mention Christmas Christmas tree 

Reply Children
  • After all that shopping relaxing sewing and tv sound good. I've had the house to myself and a sofa day today. What are you making? 

  • I'm okay, thanks for asking.  Having a fairly relaxing day, albeit a fair bit of shopping (bought a desk for my eldest for £25 - one less excuse for not doing her homework!, went to the city for Aldi and a big Tescos) and am now chilling with my sewing and watching day time TV on iplayer.

  • I will just reply here til Ellie starts the new thread. I'm sorry one you are having a tough time with the garden owners .. no gardening in the rain sounds a good idea. The upholstery sounds good. IMusical scoreope you do feel able to continue, would be a shame to stop and it sounds a nice size group. But yes I can see storage would be a problem.. magic wand required for dispersal of chairs and art. Glad yMusical score are enjoying Musical scoreGuitarGuitar. There is only so much we can take on at once maybe instead of an apt you could send an email to your Gp as a halfway method. I have patches of being able to listen to music and patches when I can't. Led Zep is my go to. 

  • Glad to hear you are not too burned yet, but I bet it's hard. My shell is not currently thick enough at all.  One of my gardens is an old lady who can be increasingly difficult and she pushed me past my limit this week and I was very short with her, I don't want to go back but I guess I will.  I don't do gardening in the rain anymore so these days I tend to hope for rain on Tuesdays and Fridays.

    I doubt I could be pig headed in your position either but with no kids and an over tolerant OH I can get out of most things, I can see that hiding in the kitchen is probably a good option. I hope being here isn't going to cause you problems, that would be horrid, like I said my OH is so tolerant I'm not sure he actually cares, but that is probably unfair. Think he's actually worried I'm going to break.

    I've been learning upholstery for the last few years, one day a week and we are supposed to go back this week which I'm kind of dreading.  They are lovely people and I think our tutor has ADHD too, we always call it chair therapy, there's only four or five of us and I've loved it up until now but I'm so much more fragile right now than before, I'm just hoping I can cope with it. I hand dye fabric with my drawn marks for the chairs and have no idea how to sell them either so more guilt about money only going in the wrong direction and chair storage issues.

    The bass is my only constant, I love trying to paly it, though I'm not sure there's much improvement. Frankly I'm astonished and impressed that I can find any notes at all without looking! Well done me.

    I think unslumping is going to take a while, haven't been brave enough to make a GP appointment about ADHD yet and still haven't drawn or painted, maybe tomorrow...

    Currently listening to Tears for Fears in concert from 1983 on the iPlayer and loving it. Waffle waffle.

  • just as well really because he's definitely someone special to have around 

  • I expect so.....can't keep away can he...we are all such wonderful company for him! Lol x

  • Ah yes didn't think of that. I'm probably the same. More Warrior stories of the day later I hope 


  • I think he may have broken his ampersand...or you can change your settings and not get mentioned..(maybe a case of inbox overload)....?

    good to here from you Missy xx

  • Hahaha very funny Ellie but like I said nice to have you here

  • By the way did you manage to @ Lonewarrior? Because it won't work when I try! 

  • Don't need a one can see me in the middle of the room! :p 

  • Hang onto that laptop/tablet/smartphone..everyone should have a corner to retreat to

  • Hi Spotty.  How are you and how is your shell.

    Been a fast and furious couple of weeks back at already singed around the edges (not a full burn out yet)....

    I couldn't be pig headed if I tried....i am far too passive for that! I think i would rather hide in the kitchen when people come over to is surprising how long it takes to peel a carrot!!

    OH just gone to have a lie down...keeps him out of the way and I can get some Spotty time!  He is unsure about me being online..I guess he just doesn't like not being the centre of attention and is probably worried about what we all talk about?

    How is the bass playing....gardening in the rain..... etc etc.  Are you still in a slump....

    To quote Dr Suess - "unslumping yourself is never much fun!"

    Hope @Misfit61, @Lonewarrior,  , and  et al are all ok and hanging there..

  • Spotty I have often thought that but not for me to say but I have worried too that you do too much Ellie. maybe he does his share but it wasn't sounding like that. So Ellie we are concerned about you. However I know sometimes it's calmer waters to do things yourself as you like them and keep some control as you said once but even so it does seem rather a lot.. 

  • Oh Ellie, I do worry about you and his complete refusal to understand, he'll burn you out like that. I think you may have to be more pig headed and tell him he has to cook and entertain some of the unwanted arrangements...

  • Can I join your xmas shell-in. My husband has booked the following

    1. xmas day my dad and step mother
    2. boxing day his daughters
    3.  Day after Boxing Day, mother in law and brother in law, plus his boys


    i suggest we enjoy those up in Scotland ...dogs, open fire, and off grid!

  • Aaaaasrrrrggghhh! I really don't want to do it this year, and I've been saying that for ever. I know you probably don't have much choice Ellie, but it's a crock of **** these days to me. I wish there were a communal shell you could vote for, to not participate. Somewhere quiet, with books and seperate rooms and bass guitars etc. 

    Happy Wednesday. x

  • Yuk big sorry far too early for that word!! Neutral faceRolling eyes