The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

  • Hi deepthought may I be the first to thank you for starting his thread/post.

    Why is it after reading all the posts tonite I feel lesser than most?

    I read all the comments and think?"how on earth can they recall all those quotes from learned poets/writers etc." How can they remember all those film titles and actors names?

    How can they recall dates and specific years?

    My memory has always been my biggest problem,even as a child I couldn't remember basic things. I am ow 54 and it saddens me when I go to mention a song or tune I like so I can join in a conversation and cannot remember even the title? I have to go hunting for it on YouTube,write it all down and recite it as if I knew it all along.

    I even have to think about who is who on here,I have to write down memory joggers for each of you,this is so I don't insult you by getting you mixed up with some one else.

    I remember some names and who they are but others just won't stick.

    I do have dyslexia traits and short term memory is a big issue there.I count everything when I am stressed but even if I count the panes of glass in the house opposite the next time I look I forget or don't trust my memory so have to count again,this I do no matter how many times I count something,my life everyday.a major brain drain.

    So as I have admitted this here I apologise if I say something to missfit61 that was meant for spotty tortoise, I do know it would upset you but it isn't intentional, I actually have to go look for your old posts to remind me who is who!

    Took a lot for me to say all this as it is admitting I am (add your own word)

    big hugs,

    thanks deepthought,

  • Lonewarrior said:

    thanks deepthought,

    Glad to have been of some service.

    With the memory difficulties you describe, I know very much what you mean. Names only stick if they are used regularly, and unless names and dates are written down somewhere ~ I get rather stuck.  

  • Thank you spotty,deepthought may I thank you for adjusting your reply to me,not being down on myself but I really do notice how some higher thinkers than me adjust there replies to suit me on here.honestly it is noticeable but also very nice! Sounds daft but factual,in normal life higher thinkers make sure I know they are.

    on here it is very nice to see everybody adjust to each other, again not putting myself down but I have read some of your posts and when you and tom and Ellie get going I just sit back and enjoy the moment,it is reassuring to know just how diverse we all are.

    I suppose on this digital platform our speech and verbalisation is unknown,our ability to construct sentences is hidden as we creep off looking for that word that escapes us,and predictive text can quite often hide our abilities.My little memory joggers were unknown till now,I even write memory joggers in my daily site diary,hot day/very wet,very gusty winds, I also put little joggers at the bottom about insignificant things.

    I am more likely to remember if I write things down myself as the letters become pictures which are stored differently for retrieval.Especially as all my writing is in BLOCK CAPITALS as small letters vary to much depending in what order they are used in a word, my mind is like a hard disk drive! That has never been defragmented,thousands of tiny bits of info scattered all over the place and not in any order,makes retrieval nigh on impossible.

    well I was going to start a post but looks like I have took over this one.

    Anyone got something happy or cheerful to write.

    better try and sleep as up at 6:00am for work.

  • For A Happy Monday Or Any Other Day Of The Week

    Always keep safe and secure in mind that its better by far to be half left than it is to be all right ~ for if you are all right that means you have to hop everywhere and may risk toppling over somewhere! ;-)

  • Glad I wear a name badge at work...otherwise I would be totally lost as to who I am meant to be!

    now, where did I put  it?? Morning, and Happy Monday people! 

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  • For A Happy Monday Or Any Other Day Of The Week

    Always keep safe and secure in mind that its better by far to be half left than it is to be all right ~ for if you are all right that means you have to hop everywhere and may risk toppling over somewhere! ;-)