The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

  • Hi deepthought may I be the first to thank you for starting his thread/post.

    Why is it after reading all the posts tonite I feel lesser than most?

    I read all the comments and think?"how on earth can they recall all those quotes from learned poets/writers etc." How can they remember all those film titles and actors names?

    How can they recall dates and specific years?

    My memory has always been my biggest problem,even as a child I couldn't remember basic things. I am ow 54 and it saddens me when I go to mention a song or tune I like so I can join in a conversation and cannot remember even the title? I have to go hunting for it on YouTube,write it all down and recite it as if I knew it all along.

    I even have to think about who is who on here,I have to write down memory joggers for each of you,this is so I don't insult you by getting you mixed up with some one else.

    I remember some names and who they are but others just won't stick.

    I do have dyslexia traits and short term memory is a big issue there.I count everything when I am stressed but even if I count the panes of glass in the house opposite the next time I look I forget or don't trust my memory so have to count again,this I do no matter how many times I count something,my life everyday.a major brain drain.

    So as I have admitted this here I apologise if I say something to missfit61 that was meant for spotty tortoise, I do know it would upset you but it isn't intentional, I actually have to go look for your old posts to remind me who is who!

    Took a lot for me to say all this as it is admitting I am (add your own word)

    big hugs,

    thanks deepthought,

  • You are predominantly caring and sympathetic from what I have seen. It doesn't matter if you can differentiate between us always, the sentiment is there and appreciated. I wish you a calm night and a bearable or happy day. 

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