Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Good luck

    Thankyou ~ when it comes to computing I very much need it, or more often than not someone who actually knows what their doing!

    I put a few links in above that did not link, so I am going to put it in below again in case it is needed.

    How to View a Full Desktop Website in Safari for iPhone - OS X Daily

    Hold on a minute ~ perhaps 'Former Member' knows what is what here?

  • An iPhone user should know.  Unfortunately I'm not that rich to afford it.

    While you were writing I tried to improve my internet search skills, and found what I hope might be a useful link hopefully as follows:

    How to View a Full Desktop Website in Safari for iPhone - OS X Daily

  • An iPhone user should know.  Unfortunately I'm not that rich to afford it.

  • On my Motorola I have a choice of mobile view or desktop view.

    It shows up on desktop view.  But not in mobile view.

    Are you perchance technologically minded enough to know if this applies to iPhones also perhaps?

  • On my Motorola I have a choice of mobile view or desktop view.

    It shows up on desktop view.  But not in mobile view.

  • It doesn’t show up on my iPhone no. Not on the front page or on the thread itself. But isn’t that when you log into a thread?

    Not on my lap-top, it is there on the top left of the screen whether I am signed in or not ~ I just signed out to check and here I am signed in again.

    My point is that when deciding whether  to open a thread or not part of my decision is based on whether someone has had a response or not ; if they have , then when I’m really tired I won’t look but if they haven’t, I do look because I don’t like new people to be left unanswered.

    Same with me pretty much, provided I can depending upon how fragged or shattered I am. 

    On the other hand with lots of answers it means a discussion is going on and I sometimes just read them. It probably seems awful to be so selective but I just don’t have the energy to manage otherwise.

    If you think that sounds awful you could in the same way mistake me as being downright terrible!

    It used to say x number of views and y number of responses which I found helpful. 

    • 144 replies
    • 22 subscribers
    • 1 member is here

    Well through the laptop window it still does, so excuse my copy and paste glitch previously, but that is hardly useful anyway for you or anybody else who finds such information helpful and no longer has access to it!

    Perhaps another request for an online improvement is required?

  • It doesn’t show up on my iPhone no. Not on the front page or on the thread itself. But isn’t that when you log into a thread? My point is that when deciding whether  to open a thread or not part of my decision is based on whether someone has had a response or not ; if they have , then when I’m really tired I won’t look but if they haven’t, I do look because I don’t like new people to be left unanswered. On the other hand with lots of answers it means a discussion is going on and I sometimes just read them. It probably seems awful to be so selective but I just don’t have the energy to manage otherwise. It used to say x number of views and y number of responses which I found helpful. 

  • I haven’t looked around properly but am disappointed you have removed the number of views a thread has had and how many responses.

    As of this present time ~ 16:48 29/12017 there is:

    • 22 subscribers
    • 2 members are here

    As being at the top right hand side of my lap-top screen, where the original poster avatar image etc used to be, is this not the case for you?


    In respect of having and those having ASD sensory processing issues ~ might community member's avatar images and user-names be to some extent desensitised as functions, so that their respective information panels only 'drop-down' when tapped or clicked?

    I ask this because presently the browser cursor only needs to cross the avatar image or user name and the respective drop-down information panels activate ~ which is visually jarring when not intended, and as such causes repetitive strain injury.

    No more please NAS?

  • Thank you Disallowed Cynosure and apologies Mods I didn’t see the warnings mentioned above. 

  • ...There was also a warning from "WebPM" themselves, upon this Thread here, and upon another separate Thread:

    ...The warning here is not so easy to find here (HERE as in where this Post you are currently reading is!).

  • There was (and at this moment still is) a warning, given upon the Home Page, that changes were about to be made today, but there are so many, it is supposed that they (NAS) could not exactly specify all of them.

    I agree that the Number of Views aught to have remained as well...

    The Lines indicate Threads And Sub-Threads (Main Replies and Sub-Replies). 

    ...Still no "Hints and Tips PAGE" (like the RULES Page is), however...

  • Fully agree with Misfit61.

    I hate the new format.  I was just getting used to the 'old' one that we introduced recently.  And now it's change again.

  • Hello Mods. I see there have been changes on the layout.. it was unexpected and would have been nice to have some warning especially seeing that us aspies aren’t good at surprises. I haven’t looked around properly but am disappointed you have removed the number of views a thread has had and how many responses. Quite often I’m very tired and though would like to respond more, I just don’t have the energy. Therefore it’s good to see that a post has a reply without having to open it and also if there is recent activity on it. 

    The other thing is... what are the lines on the side of the posts? They are really distracting and would like them removed unless they have a functional purpose. 


  • We are releasing a small upgrade tomorrow morning (28 November 2017). This should improve the above issue with users' "activity streams", as well as fixing a sign-in issue.

    Any chance of narrowing the "activity streams" down to 1 post and 1 reply, only?

    Also, what is going on with the >>> design on the top page tab, rather than the NAS logo ~ is the (old?) NAS logo being now phased out?

  • We are releasing a small upgrade tomorrow morning (28 November 2017). This should improve the above issue with users' "activity streams", as well as fixing a sign-in issue.

  • (This is my first appearance upon this Thread, despite my mentioning this Thread upon "Autistic People + (NAS) Internet" Thread.
    This Thread here, is apparently direct to NAS as I said, and so when it comes to *Suggestions*, I post *Here*, yet when it comes to *Experiences* in general, I post *There*.)

    Thus, this is posted here, as a suggestion.
    NAS, please observe that you have a separate Link/Page for RULES. But then, one has to find the bottom of another Page/Thread first, in order to find HINTS AND TIPS.
    Please also create a separate page, similar to your "Rules" page, with a link, which gives these "Hints And Tips". Preferably as a more-or-less complete GUIDE to using this Forum. Please also put Link to this Guide/Tips page, upon the Home Screen.

    ...It is not much use having "hints and tips" about how to use your Forum, in a place where one must have *already* known how to use your forum in order to find them.

    (...For instance, clock Icons, and what are a persons *own* ICONS supposed to indicate upon the Home Screen? They do not always indicate the "Starter" and neither do they indicate the "most popular answer"!)

  • Night Spotty. Hope your weekend is going well x