Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • This is the only social media I am on and when I did try Facebook several years ago and seen the updates since , I found quite awkward. My extended family use Skype. The updates on that have been most painful, the change in style, colour ( a sort of luminescent turquoise)  sound ( really grating ) wavy thing ( very distracting "in my face") on the front are really awful. As for the Nas site; I like the look, font etc I like the bullet points in the change of colour , I find it clear and concise, but I do find it hard to find what I want you have to search around a lot to find anything especially when it's not specific or trying to educate myself. For example I wanted to find out about courses or training for me as a newbie adult and I wanted to find out about possibilities of training someone to help me. But it took me a long time to find and even then I'm not quite sure. As others have said a quick bullet point or link to essentials like Samaritans/mental health, asd assessment, Pip &ESA detailed guidance , help for parents re school and behaviour, how to use this forum ie the main topics which are requested repeatedly when seeking help .. if that was on the front page there would be less desperate posts on the forum and the forum would be second point of call not first thereby taking the strain off us a little. Though we are all willing to help and support when we can. Yes its frustrating to have to log in all the time even whilst on the website or forum or switching between the two. Is that the sort of thing you mean? 

  • Not at all, but are you able to comment on other sites that you use, including the main National Autistic Society one, that are good or bad?

  • I cannot respond from any kind of technical perspective. I do accept that users have different colour preferences and requirements. My point of view will be one of several but I would still like to make it. I like the colour and format of the pink and bold. I have different eyesight problems in that I have blepharitis  which means I get itchy blurry vision and then I have attention type focussing problems. So I do need something bright and bold and engaging. I do need something colourful and attractive to me. I do need something which clearly separates or indicates hence my bright name and a bright reply button. Something which stands out so I can't mistake where I am or where I press. Basically how it is now Does suit me and to dull or neutralise would make it harder and less attractive for me to use. However I have seen websites where it is white on black instead of black on white and this has been less strain on my eyes. Diverse in nature diverse in thought ..sorry if this complicates things further. 

  • It's not meant to be like that. It's meant to be like giving people who need them their own wheelchairs, when previously they had to ask for one at each place they went to, and what worked in one place didn't work somewhere else!

    However, that's plainly not how it is for Former Member. May I ask anyone who wants to comment whether this site's design is a particular issue, even compared to say the main NAS site or other sites that you use? It's that comparison between sites that would be useful.

    As an example, here's a government blog on changing colours. There's a link to a Firefox-specific page in the introduction. I notice that even the BBC have archived their accessibility pages, and no longer update them.

  • Apologies for dropping in and out of this thread, and that sometimes it takes me two or three goes to understand the problem fully. What I think I missed is that the Questions page lists the most recent user's contribution, whether or not it is the user of interest. You can jump to the listed post, using the time in the right column (e.g. "2 days ago"). However, if you're looking for 's posts, and  has posted to one of those threads more recently, you can only jump to 's post.

    It follows of course that, if someone has made three recent posts to the same thread, those posts won't be listed separately.

    Our challenge here is that we are using a standard forum system, with significant configurability. As well as configuring things, we can add in widgets to help with issues. However, changing fundamentally how it works is a different matter. Using standard software is good from the point of view of cost, and also because something used and tested by many organisations is likely to be very reliable; we are not getting significant levels of reporting of faults, for example. On the other hand, the kind of issue that we are discussing (not limited to this one but also to other threads) is more difficult to address because, to some extent, it "works the way it works".

    However, we will look to have a discussion with our suppliers to see what options we have.

  • I did just mention autopia etc but can't find my post... very odd. I agreed with Spotty and then said it's the pets corner and autopia which keep us going too but hey lost the plot! 

  • Hey.....maybe at some point it will be the "normal" ones in the minority! Imagine that!  Lol

    maybe you'll get your Autopia after all, Missy! 

  • Agreed..,and i have received lots of support as well x

  • Well said Spotty. sadly yes. me too. Just keep doing our best to help and join in when we are able to. As Ellie says it uses up emotional reserves. But then I just feel terrible like LW says lots of views and no replies .. awful many of those posts are beyond me. I noticed one poor person left the forum because they couldn't cope with the sorrow. We do need pets corner and autopia to keep us going! I'd say humour too but I'm no good at jokes! 

  • No idea what to do about it but I agree that it is increadibly distressing to read some of the desperate posts on here. It all just highligjts the complete lack of support apart from the lucky few. 

    It doesn't even appear to be a specific age range, its kids and twenty somethings and thirty somethings who should have been found and recognised.

    Obviously us older bods are unrecognised because ASD simply wasn't an available diagnosis when we were young but it seems some people fare no better now. This country feels as broken as I do.

  • I know what you mean.. but also .. I have had more support and understanding on here than anywhere else. So I am extremely grateful to uyou folk posting but also as LW says the nas and mods who do work hard for us. 

  • Are you ok LW.

    i agree that there are many member states keeping this virtual helpline going....and it isn't lovely that they help to give such wisdom, useful knowledge and kind words. This must be emotionally draining at times and others pain can be hard to to bear.

    it can often touch a nerve that someone is also suffering and their lack of support seem so increasingly the norm. It can make the hole we're sat in feel that much deeper. 

  • I know I go on but!

    The systems we should expect to help are not working,we accept that,so as this is a fact then anything that can direct people to the sites or organisations that are still running must be a good thing.

    I also accept that the national autistic society isn't responsible for dealing with every problem regardless of it's is a charity and does amazing things for us.

    There are many helpful organisations as misfit posted a link to,I not being very IT savvy couldn't find them last nite! Plenty of"this is what we do" and" resources for teachers etc" that is the aim of this website to promote awareness and understanding of ASD/autism/Asperger etc.

    Fantastic stuff,

    You can probably tell I feel very emotional about these folks,it effects me so very much,I feel useless,I have been an observer of others all my life but I now have a voice via this virtual world.

    thanks recombinantsocks,good suggestion.

  • That strikes me as a good idea.

  • Perhaps new members could be sent a welcome email, with basic information and links, when they sign up to the forum?

  • This is the page on the nas website but I agree not that easy to find especially when you are distressed. I have called them a few times  just to talk when things were bad and they were really kind. I think there is a stigma about calling them but you don't have to be suicidal to phone. Some people are so distressed they come searching but we don't have the answers or experience of professional enough to help but can't just leave them sitting at the end of their tether feeling no one is out there. A feeling we know too well. 

  • Thank you spotty

    I had a look at the main page and I couldn't see anything that might point people in the right place.

    Like I said I want people to come here for answers but sometimes I feel without immediate professional help the unthinkable may happen. I do try to answer anyone who starts a first post that doesn't get an answer,sometimes the post has had thirty odd views! But no reply. Not that we should have an answer as we are all unique and some are struggling themselves. To quote"if you have met one person with autism?you have met just one person with autism".

    I am rubbish at posting links or even finding relevant info so feel helpless to help.

    These are our people and are being so let down by the system.

    Surely the admin are allowed to post links that may be of some use?

    Samaritans.etc.I just hope I don't require help as I get older.

  • Bless you Warrior, I imagine you are thinking of Misfit and Julie among others, it is heart breaking, but I know not what to say, platitudes won't help, Misfit has a practical streak that is deserving of recognition. ()